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No one's pov:
You have been sitting on the floor of the bathroom for the past hour as Yoongi lays in your arms peacefully sleeping. You didn't have the heart to wake him up after the events that unfolded previously. You know for a fact that he is exhausted both physically and mentally due to previous events.

While he sleeps you scroll on your phone, looking at social media, and used your Bluetooth earphones to watch some videos and your series to pass some time. You got bored of that tho so you slowly put your phone on the ground next to you and put away your earphones.

Y/N pov:
Yoongi is currently sleeping in my arms. I got bored with my phone so I put it next to me and I look down at Yoongi on my lap. He is slightly laying down so I can see his face a bit as half of it is buried in my chest. He has beautiful pitch-black hair, which just emphasizes his pale milky skin, although not much of that is shown as he is wearing jeans and a slight long sleeve shirt.

A reminder of what he is wearing

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A reminder of what he is wearing.

I can't help but notice the puffiness of his face which he got from all the crying he did (is that right). His lips have a red tint to them and they form the most adorable pout I have ever seen. His eyes are also swollen and I can see the dried tears down his cheeks and his pretty eyelashes. He looks so adorable but my heart aches so much because I know I am partly the reason he went through this but he still asked for my help.

I know I shouldn't have shouted at him. I shouldn't have used my dominating voice on him. I know he is sensitive to that and he can't help but obey whatever I say at that moment. I made him fall into a fragile state and I must have triggered some kind of trauma from his past. He has previously mentioned how he was bullied in school and moved to another one because of the conflict but he never went into detail about what took place at that school.

I am completely lost in thought about what possibly could have happened to him before that I don't even feel the smaller boy squirming on my lap.

"Y/N?" He whispers weakly snapping me out of my trance. I look down at him and see his bloodshot eyes which are swollen looking painfully up at me. His hair is a fluffy mess looking like a bird's nest atop his head.

"Yes, honey?" I asked him in a quieter tone not trying to startle him suddenly because of a loud noise in the comforting silence.

"Are you mad at me?" He asked in a hushed tone looking down at both of our laps, fearing my answer.

"Of course not honey, I'm not mad at you. I'm just...disappointed and surprised. How was I to know that the most adorable boy I know was going to be the 'tough' and 'mean' bully of the school? Sure I'm not happy about it but I'm not going to say anything until you explain to me exactly why this is happening. Until then you can keep this attitude up but you will not; and I repeat, will NOT hurt anyone else. If they are scaring you, you come to find me. Agreed?" I told him with a question at the end. I used my index finger and thumb to lift his head by his chin so he know my genuineness.

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