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As the door closes an awkward silence hits you and the boy like a tsunami. You bend down next to the boy and began to pick up all the snacks off the floor one by one. Yoongi began to open his mouth to say something after he dropped the last Cheeto puff into the small bowl, "Y-Y/N I can explain I-" but right away snap at him in a whisper and tell him to keep quiet
"Please not now, I need some time to cool down. I don't want to hurt you or me. I know there isn't something you are telling me and I don't want to lose my shit on you. So please just...watch the tv or something while I wash up so I can breathe." You finish your rant as you suddenly stood up and carried all the bowls out to the kitchen.

Yoongi pov:
I watch as Y/N walks away from me and right away I collapse into the floor. God, I knew something would happen as soon as San was put into our group. I and San go way back and I know that he still wants to continue our relationship. Not long after Y/N and I started dating and I started school, San messaged me about wanting to hook up which I immediately turned down because I was not about to cheat on her when I am in love let alone just because we are together. I told him that but he didn't let it go and would still push me to do it, which I obviously never did and instead blocked him. I avoided him successfully since then until today.

I make my way to the sofa and just close my eye to prevent myself from crying. You never wanted this to happen. Never. And now I just really hope that Y/N will listen to my story and believe it, she got me through such tough times and I really don't know what I would do without her in my life anymore. I think I would just break; like before not this time there won't be any returning.

I can feel myself drift off to sleep from the mental exhaustion and so I close my eyes once again and let the darkness engulf me to sleep.

Y/N pov:
Well, this is not how I wanted things to go that's for sure. I just wanted to have a nice relaxing time with my boyfriend. And now I am standing in a silent house where he and I are not talking all because of San, I know there is something off about those two. They both were giving off different vibes where San felt proud and almost joyful and Yoongi almost seemed to me unhappy and uncomfortable. I will talk to him but I need some time to think first. Not about breaking up with him or anything but more about what could be between those two or what was between them. I'm not going to call Yoongi a cheater or anything because I know he isn't one but something did happen today and I still need to find out what.

I place the last bowl into the dishwasher, and now I am making my way down into the living room so I can finally talk to Yoongi after I calmed down just enough.

As soon as I enter the room I am met with a pouting and snoring boy who is looking all too similar to a kitten at the moment. I coo at the sight and take a seat beside him. I drape a blanket across his body and watch him sleep peacefully. I take my phone out of my bag quickly and sit back down.

I will wait for him to wake up so I can talk to him, I think he needs this rest after school and all this drama he must be exhausted.

Time skip brought to you by yoongi's baguette feet

I am still sitting next to the boy and have been for over an hour. It's beginning to go dark outside as it is now 7 and it's autumn (did I ever mention that?). I can feel Yoongi behind stir and slightly jump next to me, he begins to breathe hard and sniffle. I know Jess having a nightmare and so I begin to ever so gently shake him awake. "Yoongi, Yoongi baby wake up" he jumps awake right away and looks at me with fear and then calmly almost as if just my sight comforted him. He leaps forward and hugs me, I do the same and just begin to comfort him until he calms down.

No one's pov:
Once the boy calms, his loud and desperate gasps and sobs being reduced to small sniffles and heavy breathing to catch his breath, he pulled away and looked down in embarrassment and shame. "Sorry. You probably think I'm pathetic after this." He said in a low and shameful tone while looking at his hands as he plays with a loose string on his shirt.

"Why would I think you are a pathetic baby? You had a nightmare that's ok honey. You can't control your dreams and fears, you just had a natural response to something which made you feel bad or scared. That ok honey." You place your finger under his chin and lift his head for him to face you when you told him the truth.

He just nods and smiles at you as he leans in for a peck on the lips. He joins your lips together and closed his eyes, you retiring he peck but slowly one turn into two and then a deep and loving kiss. Your lips moved together in perfect sync as the two of you moved to be more comfortable so the boy now sits on your lap. You two continued to kiss slowly and lovingly, however, you two pulled away once Yoongi tapped your shoulder.

He stares longingly into your eyes while small pants leave his mouth just like you, he stays silent until he begins to speak; "Y/N I have to tell you something important."

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