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You walk out of the bathroom with a light brown almost beige fluffy towel and a small plain white face towel. You see Yoongi slightly curled up on the bed clearly in some kind of sub-space.

Yoongi was out of it. Ever since things went down and you walked away he realized what had happened and he was clearly in some kind of shock. You sucked him off and edged him as a punishment. It was the first day you two met in person and things got sexual. He feels a slight shame for making things too fast and feels guilty for not spending some family-friendly quality time with you but instead f he imitated a very unholy act with you. You two have been together for months now and you know each other very well and so in a way, it wasn't a surprise you didn't spend time getting to know each other; but you have only ever talked via text, voice, and video call before.

You saw how he wasn't paying attention so you approached him very slowly. "Yoongi? Sweetie are you ok?" You asked him gently as you sat next to him and began to pet his damp hair slowly. He seemed to snap out of it pretty quickly and just responded with a slight nod and a drawn sigh. Before asking him further questions you grab the small white towel and gently wipe off the thin layer of sweat that gathered atop of his skin. You then placed the other towel onto the very end of the bed just in case Yoongi wanted to shower later on he can get that one. You slowly laid down next to him facing him as you moved your hand to move his overgrown bangs behind his ear.

Yoongi was still completely silent and that's when you realized the tears that swelled up in his eyes. You began to panic and straight away looked at him with concern. "Baby, seriously what's wrong? Why are you crying, did I go too far? I'm so sorry if I did. I didn't mean to hurt you or-" you began to ramble on as you were cut off.

"No it's not that, it's just that I feel like I made things go too fast. Like it's the first time I meet you for the first time in person today and rather than spending time cuddling each other and taking things nice and slowly, I got turned on and made you help me out just for me to make you mad." He confessed as he now began to cry pretty harshly as he admitted all his guilt.
"I'm sorry"

As soon as he said that you right away pulled him into your embrace and felt his hot tears soaking your clothes. "No Yoongi, don't you dare say sorry. If I didn't want to do something I wouldn't have done it. You didn't force me to do anything. I'm not angry at you I just wanted to play along with your kinks and stuff. I do not mind doing stuff with you, as long as I am with you I really don't mind. I love doing stuff like this with you just as much as I loved cuddling with you as we watched the film although we missed the ending." You finish your rant with a small giggle after you heard him releasing a small grumble at the mention of missing the end of the film. You knew that the end never fails to make him sob as he shouts at the fact Rose let Jack go safer than she said she will not.

You continued to lay there with you playing with his hair and him being buried into your chest. Until you hear a low grumble from his tummy. He slightly whined in embarrassment as you let out a low giggle causing him to Snuggle even closer into your hold. "Shit up" he snapped with a shy tone.

"Do you want me to order something to eat? I don't have any food at home apart from ramen."

He looked up with a loving gaze as he shook his head. "No, but I do crave some ramen right now if that's ok."

"Of course it's ok, you go take a shower if you want, use the towel at the end of the bed, and pick some pajamas out of the closet. We'll go to school together tomorrow as it's pretty late now and getting dark in about an hour or so and we're better off staying here instead," you said as you and Yoongi unravel from each other. He nods in agreement as he gets up and scurries into the bathroom after grabbing the towel you brought out early for him to use.

With that, you walk down the stairs to make some ramen and wait for Yoongi to finish cleaning off.

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