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^^Author's note please read before reading: this chapter includes idol x idol 'ships' in this so pls do not hate me, I wanted to include some other idols and this was the only way I could do it due to the plot and stuff. I do not and I repeat DO NOT think these idols are dating IRL. this is a FICTIONAL book and in no way shape or form saying they have this relationship OUTSIDE this book which, once again is FICTIONAL and FAKE. All it is that the CHARACTERS which are FAKE just have the names of actual people. You can also imagine it's another person but their name is the idol's name if you do not like it. enough of my rant, so please don't hate me or leave hateful messages on my story because of these irrelevant and small 'ships', his role is only small and will only be mentioned here he is extremely briefly later on but that is more talking about what happened in this chapter alone. I hope you understand that I am NOT shipping these people IRL, just in this book. thx xx


"Yeah, we are. But please don't tell anyone, I'm not ready to tell more people. The only reason I'm telling you this is because Y/N seems to trust you and so, so do I." He says.

"Don't worry, Your secret is safe with me. I promise." She responds with a wide smile which you both return. "So tell me, how did you two become a thing? I mean Yoongi isn't that, well... how do I say this nicely? Approachable, in school." She asks, curiosity present in her eyes as she looks at the couple sitting at the table.

You knew the question was going to come eventually but you didn't think she wouldn't notice this quick and so you are slightly at loss on how to answer her, and judging from the way Yoongi is looking at the other, you can tell he is shy about the story you two hold and is in no shape to tell it.

"Well Yoongi and I met on the internet, I wanted a sugar baby and he needed a sugar mommy, and so we began our relationship then. It was in no way shape or form romantic at first but just one that benefited both of our needs in different ways, however, we slowly connected and grew feelings for each other on a more personal and romantic level; We share the same passions also Yoongi is quite the ball of fluff outside school surprisingly enough and part of the reason I fell in love with him." You say as Ryujin just smiles and nods along with making a comment about your last sentence being cheesy and in response, you just stick your tongue out and reply 'you wish this was you so shut your gob before I make you in a teasing and jokey manner.

The three of you spent the rest of your lunch together happily until the bell rang. You three go your separate ways with you and Yoongi walking to your class together.

You two sit down and not too soon after you two do that, the teacher walks in. "Okay class. quiet down, please. now, I am well aware that it is only the beginning of the year. However, to familiarise yourself a bit better with each other and the musical life I will assign you all into groups of twos and threes. No complaining. The project will consist of you having to research a music genre, writing and producing a piece of music." She said and secretly you and Yoongi began to hope and pray that you two will be in the same group. And in a way, those wishes were fulfilled however what you two did not see coming is having to have another person with you two. San.

San is the heartthrob of the school, he is a sweetheart on the outside but one horny boy on the inside. He flirts and fucks anyone he wishes to (with consent of) and he had absolutely no shame about it. You heard of San before during lunch from the two as you asked them about anyone important that you need to know about to stay out of drama and he was on the top of the list along with his....girlfriend? Fuck buddy? Friend with benefit? Side hoe? Sneaky link? You get it but whatever she is, Kim Sumni is a big no-no to be around. She's toxic, narcissistic, and a huge bully but unlike Yoongi she all her life was one, and not to mention she's the top bitch in school what do you expect from a girl who comes from one of the richest families in South Korea and also the daughter of the principal?

Back in class, you look at San as he sits down in front of Yoongi and smiles at him. You don't think anything about it, why would you? It's just a smile. You two arrange a time to meet at your house later to do a project and you three exchange phone numbers to contact each other about meeting up again for the project. You might have a studio in your house hence why you planned to go to yours later that day.

Although you are fine being around San, Yoongi not so much.

 Well basically before you and Yoongi were a thing, Yoongi and San went to the same high school and well......they might have had a sneaky link kinda relationship between them. This was when they both turned 18 (they are the same age here just a week apart) and they had some friend links with the group Yoongi hung out with and well...a drunken encounter lead to them doing stuff. If you know you know. If you don't then, well, you don't. Their 'relationship' was just them fucking to release some stress and to escape reality as well as to explore their sexualities a bit more. Absolutely no feeling we're involved as Yoongi started talking to you a couple of weeks in. He stopped what we was between them as soon as he got to know you, he felt like he was already cheating on you even if you weren't in an actual relationship yet. Sure San was a bit upset but that's because he now had to find someone else to sleep with but that didn't take him long with his looks and popularity haha. Either way; ever since that was between them things have been a little, how to say this, awkward between the two. None of them spoke a word to each other except if they were made to and they avoided each other as much as possible.

Everyone went over you your house in separate cars and you eventually all made it home safe and sound. Drinks were offered and snacks were prepared by you while the two were in the living room out of sight from the kitchen, a wall blocking the view perfectly (or in case maybe it's not so perfect). Once you leave the kitchen, plates in hand you walk into the open space where the two were and...

You drop the plate in shock. The glass cups full of water shatters everywhere and water spreads across the floor while the plastic bowls containing the snacks made bounces across the room and the bar chips scatter across the platform.

There they both sit, Yoongi being on San's lap facing him wide-eyed staring at you in shock. His arms which were once wrapped around San's neck are now pushing his body away from San, using his chest as support and scrambling up onto his feet.

"What. The. Hell. Is. Going. On." You ask in a bold yet shaky voice. You felt like crying, your first ever love is sitting in someone's lap while he's the one warning you about him. Something's not right and you know that. You need time to process and you need to talk to Yoongi. He doesn't seem right either.

"Y-Y/N I can explain-" he tries to reason.

"It's okay, I'll talk to you later but for now I need you to please help me clean up. Also San please leave, we'll discuss another time to do the project. I'm not in the mood anymore, so please just leave." You say facing the latter and all he does is release a slight smirk and leaves with his stuff.

This is gonna be one hell of a night.

The new student is my sugar Mommy |MYG FF|✔️Where stories live. Discover now