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warning: this chapter includes
-mention of homophobia
- mentioning of bullying and abuse
- a lot of trauma talk

No one pov:

Yoongi finished cleaning the dishes after a few minutes and by this time you also situated yourself and began to look for a movie to watch on Netflix. You are mindlessly scrolling through the hundreds of recommendations pushed by the system until one title catches your eye. 'Five feet apart' you briefly read through the plot given to you by the app.

Yoongi dries his hands on the kitchen towel and lays it over the sink in to dry. He looks at the sofa where you are patiently waiting for him and he takes a deep breath. 'Maybe it's time to tell her' he thought as he, out of habit, began to play with the ends of his shorts. Slowly he staggers towards you and slumps down with a slight huff. You immediately wrap your arms around his waist and pull him close into your embrace. He takes a deep breath of courage and broke the silence.

"Hey Y/N?" He asks softly as he looks up into your eyes from your chest. You hum in response as you begin to softly stroke his hair using your fingers and comb through his dark locks. "I think I'm ready to talk about my past." He confesses. This leaves you shocked as a small smile appears on your face.

"Are you sure? You know I can wait until you are 100% sure you're ready to tell me whatever happened. I know it's traumatic and it's difficult to speak about so don't worry I can wait." You reassure him by leaving a gentle peck on his head and remind him that there is absolutely no rush of him opening up; but that just made him shake his head in disagreement.

"No. I'm ready to tell you. I want to move on, and I want to move on with you," he says as he makes eye contact with you. He has wide sparkly eyes which presents nothing but honesty. You leave another quick peck on his head and then lips to say thank you for trusting you before he began again. "And I can't do that without telling you." He states and you nodd in response and in understandment.

"Ok so, ever since I was really small I remember always liking the typical 'girly' clothes which I secretly stole and borrowed from my sister or friends. My parents weren't the most supportive of it as I am a boy but thankfully never pushed that onto me, and allowed me to dress how I wanted to. I liked and still like the clothes because I have always had a more girly and in general more womanly figure. Even as a small child I was always much thinner and a lot shorter than most boys my age and that's not because of a lack of food or any disorders because the weight to height proportion was relatively healthy, I know this because my parents got worried and took me to the doctor for health check-ups monthly. Also not to mention that we never really had a problem providing food to that extent at that time.

My parents used to own a business but one day that went to waste and the business had to be sold off. After that, my parents could afford less and less until new clothes were basically out of the question. And so any clothes that I would wear out in public, which weren't for girls, were the only ones I had. As time went on I began to grow and ay of my clothes which weren't ripped yet were now too small. Luckily I have an older sister, whose clothes were kept just incase my parents have another baby girl, and so her clothes were handed down to me. I began to wear her clothes more and that's when I realized the way the clothes were sewn just fit my body better and I felt much more comfortable in them due to that. I began to wear them every day and although I did hear homophobic and nasty comments about me anywhere I went, whether it was adults or children, I never paid any mind to it until one day."

He takes a deep breath and you are making sure to stroke his hair to encourage him to go on with his story which complies with after a bit of thinking. "One day I found this smaller looking mini skirt in my sister's closet and at this point in was about 14-15 and began to mature bit more; oddly enough, rather than my shoulder broadening and growing more muscle, I began to grown wider hips and longer slimmer legs like the other girls in my year, minus the whole boob and period situation. Anyway, I decided to try on the skirt and I was in love. The way it fit me was amazing and I felt super confident." he smiles brightly up at you as he describes how he felt back then. "That was until I arrived at school and the head bully made a comment about me." his smile immediately drops and he looks down breaking eye contact.

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