Figured out

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     The courtroom quickly turned into a madhouse. People were screaming profanities and arguing that Fred just felt sorry Seth last minute. Polly had to violently bang her mallet on the stand to get everyone else's attention.

     "Order, order in the court this instant!" Polly howled. Finally, the courtroom became silent. "Thank you. I have heard enough. Please, have a brief recess. We shall meet back here at 6:00, 10 minutes. Please do not attack the accused nor the prosecutor, thank you." Polly stood up and stepped off the stand as everyone else got up and started speaking to other people. Seth went outside the courtroom and sat down, looking at the sky, which was still a very nice shade of blue. Izzy sat down next to Seth and placed her arm around him and sighed. She was wearing a light green dress, so it was clear that there was a very distinct fashion sense when it came to Izzy vs Catherine.

      "I saw that coming," Izzy said. "I just didn't think he'd have such a good reason for it."

     "Yeah, I guess it was. But Izzy," Seth said, and turned to look at Izzy with sad eyes. "He ruined everything I worked for. He practically destroyed my life! I just, I don't know what to say!"

     Izzy nodded and said, "that's a reasonable response. I would be mad too if someone happened to frame me so I would get kicked out of Stampy's Lovely World. But Fred is...I don't know. He's important. Things would collapse if he was kicked."

     "As long as I get the justice I deserve, I don't really care what happens to Fred," Seth replied. He looked down on the ground. "I just want my own life. I don't want to be connected to Fred anymore. I want to be my own person, I want to have my own life. Is that really so much to ask for?"

     Izzy looked at Seth, bashfully smiled and said, "No, it's not. You just made the first step to a new life though! How does it feel?"

     Seth looked at Izzy and said, "It feels good. It feels good."

     The court was back in action after 10 minutes. The room was silent, everyone anticipating the final say of the judge.

     "I have made my decision," Polly finally said. "I hereby declare the defendant TechSavvy, not guilty!" She banged her hammer on the stand. Seth's heart leaped with joy with just two words. Two words and nine letters.

     "However," Polly shouted. She looked at Fred. "I've found that Fred is guilty of both treason to Stampy's Lovely World and perjury, both atrocious acts." Fred looked down in shame. "While these acts combined usually call for either removal of your adventuring license or removal of you from the single world, I will grant you mercy and let you keep those in your possession. Nevertheless, to substitute for that, you are to be stripped of all of your privileges, including a curfew, no access to the Funland, or outside access to the Civilized World. It is up to the world leader to decide when these restrictions should be lifted. If you break these restrictions, you shall be banished from the Lovely World. If you should seek more information, you only need to look in your mailbox in the next week. As for TechSavvy, your banishment is now lifted. You may now enter and live in the Lovely World as you please. Case dismissed." Polly banged her mallet on the stand again and people either started leaving or congratulating Seth. Seth was smiling widely, absolutely ecstatic to be back.

     "You did it Seth!" Stampy called out. He placed his paw on Seth's shoulder. "You won! Even though I lost because of it, it's good to have you back. I'm sorry I ever doubted you. Your house is still up, just so you know, it just needs a body to warm it." Stampy smiled. "You game?"

     "Oh, I'm game, Stampy. But I need to figure out a way to leave Hit the Target's castle for good this time. I don't want to bluntly leave, then he'll put you all in danger. I don't want that for you. I need to find a way to tell Hit the Target that I'm through."

     "Oh, don't worry Seth!" Izzy said happily. She happened to be right next to Seth, grinning almost menacingly.

      "I already have that figured out."

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