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   2 months.

     The big day was here. The day Anti-Fred silently dreaded. The day Hit the Target planned out to be the most simplistic plan that could yeild results. This was the day that he had to make a choice here and now. There was no turning back. As he pondered around the room, wondering what to do, he felt he had no other choice than to help his creator. But, he wanted his freedom, his choice of passion, he wanted a new life altogether. Anti-Fred sighed as he sat on the bed, awaiting the call to action as the clock ticked the time away.

As the bell sounded for him to leave, Anti-Fred sprung up and collected his weapon of choice, a bow staff with a taser at the end of the bow. He liked to bash people with the bow and then electrocute them unconscious. It was, unfortunately, a guilty pleasure for him. The plan was revised and refined. This could very easily be the final battle he would have to fight in for a very very long time. It might even be the last battle altogether, if things went right. 

Everything seemed to happen so suddenly. The trip with Veeva Dash and Hit the Target didn't seem like anything. It was like the world felt into their hands that very day. The clouds hung darkly on the sky, visibility was limited with the added darkness of the clouds. The dogs were all by themselves. Stampy was very far away, unaware of the surroundings back at home. The helpers were all with him. That left a window of approximately 20 minutes. It didn't seem like much, but when life depended on it, it was a lifetime of time. They went inside, and were greeted by a hoard of growling dogs, each bound by the commands they had to just sit there. 

     Benton was Hit the Target's dog of choice. He hardly saw Stampy pay any attention to him, there would be no harm in taking him for a while. Anti-Fred only stood there, not daring to go against Hit the Target as he grabbed Benton and started to guide the angry dog back to the castle. 

     Hit the Target motioned Anti-Fred to help. Without question, Anti-Fred took out the bow staff and pointed it at Benton, hearing his cries of mercy. 

     "Come on...let's go boy, we're not going to harm you. Don't make it difficult," Anti-Fred said softly. His hands were slightly shaking at the sight of him trying to threaten a poor helpless dog. Benton whimpered and stood up. He put the weapon away, unable to keep it in the open. In response, Hit the Target nodded in silent approval. Yet, his acknowledgments didn't mean a thing right now, he just wanted to get it all over with. To take a dog and just leave it as that. Hav this horrible nightmare end with the act he had to play. As they walked Benton out, Veeva Dash came running back, her movements jarred and unpredictable. 

     "Stand your guard, the cat's coming!" She cried. 

     In the far distance, was Stampy rushing to the dog house. He must have seen Veeva, for he had his sword out ready, as if he knew what was going to happen if he left the dogs for a long period of time. The helpers couldn't be too far behind. There had to be two at the most. Hit the Target held out his hand towards Veeva and Anti-Fred, and then pointed to himself before running to Stampy with a bow and arrow. 

     He wanted to capture Stampy himself. He wanted to be the one to end it. 

     Time seemed to speed up as he saw Stampy and Hit the Target battle, the two facing off equally at first, but then the sides started to shift for the worse as Stampy grew fatigued. 

     There was a part of him that just wanted to retreat, to leave and say never again to having to take a dog from its rightful owner again. 

     But Hit the Target had Stampy in a headlock. His capture was apparent. If he left now, he would have to watch Stampy be held hostage in a lava cage, with all his other peers laughing at him when he knew he could do something. Anything.

      Anti-Fred had two choices. To watch Stampy's capture? Or to lose everything he created? To let go of everything he held near and dear to him? He could always call Zumma on his phone, and Zumma naturally goes over to Anti-Fred anyway, but what about his creations? His inventions? Catherine? There wasn't much time left. Stampy was going to be knocked out. Anti-Fred thought quickly, and acted such. 

    He ran to Hit the Target, with his right elbow in in front of him, and lunged for Hit the Target, letting out a yell of air out of his chest as he impacted Hit the Target. He came came stumbling down, making him go of Stampy and give him his freedom. Stampy got up as he collected his sword, and as he did so, the helpers came into the scene, with William Beaver ready to put up a long and enduring fight. 

     Hit the Target and Veeva Dash knew they were greatly outnumbered. They retreated, and as they did so, Hit the Target looked back and gave Anti-Fred a cold and deadly stare, a stare that stung Anti-Fred in the chest and in his veins as he shook with fear and apprehension. 

Anti-Fred took in a deep breath. It was all over. The damage was done. It was only two months, and with a single action, he erased it all. All the rivers, all the bridges, all the sunshine, everything. Burned all the bridges, burned his identity and his name all together. He looked back at Stampy, who had stood up straight and looked at Anti-Fred with happy eyes and a smile. William Beaver held down his guard, although Anti-Fred saw that he also had some sort of suspicion of him. 

"Anti-Fred," Stampy said, walking up to Anti-Fred. "That was amazing! I can't believe you would have done a thing like that! Especially with everything that has happened! Now, I know I probably shouldn't be that quick to judge, but I have to ask this one question.

Would you like to be part of my Lovely World?"

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