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After Seth and Catherine's movie night, as soon as Seth got the chance, he went to Stampy's Lovely World through the tunnels. He was told to meet Izzy at her house, which he was given the directions for. In the area where every house is located, with plastic flamingos all around. When Seth arrived, he automatically knew it was Izzy's house.

He thought of Izzy sort of like the original Fizzy before Fizzy even came along. She was often silly in her actions and words, and her intelligence was one to be questioned. Her knowledge was completely random; it was anyone's guess as to what she knew about any given topic. Yet, she was one of the most high-respected members of the Guardian group. Seth knocked on the door, and promptly, Izzy responded with "come in!"

Seth opened the door to see Izzy in front of a clipboard, with multiple images pinned on it with different colored lines connecting different images. She had a cup of hot chocolate in her hand, and she was observing the pictures with such intensity that Seth didn't want to interrupt her.

Izzy looked at him, beaming, and said, "I gathered the evidence! Right here!" She held up a picture of a fingerprint on the table in the store. "Stampy was nice enough as to clean everything but this one piece of evidence! Let me see your finger."

Seth held out his index finger while Izzy tried to make out the pattern.

Izzy shook her head and said, "No, they don't match. It couldn't have been Fred or you. But who else could it be?"

"Izzy, let me look at your finger," Seth said sedately. He looked at Izzy's finger and the picture she had presented to him. "Izzy. That's your fingerprint."

Izzy looked horrified as she dropped the picture and screeched.

"I'm the thief! I'm the last person I would have suspected," Izzy anxiously screamed, pacing around the room with her hair held tightly in her hands. "But I was looking for me the whole time! What a seamless crime!"

Seth was pinching the bridge of his nose as he explained, "No, Izzy. What happened is that Stampy probably cleaned the place before you looked in it, and you just happened to be the only person in there after they did. The fingerprint was left there because you touched a clean surface."

Izzy tilted her head before she exclaimed, "Oh! I get you! So that means...I didn't get any evidence..." She hung her head down low in shame.

"Sadly, you did not. But I did find something," Seth said, patting Izzy on the shoulder.

Izzy perked her head up and said, "Really? Where? What was it?"

Seth looked intently at Izzy before saying, "I found the stolen goods. They're located in Hit the Target's castle, which means─"

"Which means whoever stole the goods was working with Hit the Target!" Izzy screamed. "But who would do such a thing? Who would go so low as to work with Hit the Target?"

"Well, their intent was to get me kicked out from Stampy's Lovely World. That already narrows some of our choices."

"Right," Izzy nodded. "It can't be any one of Stampy's helpers. So it has to be one of the protectors. And even then, I wouldn't dare step anywhere near Hit the Target unless I needed to. There were people who would have loved to see your downfall though, so maybe I should ask them."

"You need to ask subtly. They won't tell you anything if you ask them upfront."

"Right!" Izzy said. "And what about you? Maybe Anti-Izzy or Veeva Dash had something to do about this?"

"Knowing them, they probably did," Seth said, crossing his arms. "It's just the matter of who did it and why. This isn't going to be easy, but if we can convince Stampy I'm innocent, then maybe I can get a second chance."

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