2 months

10 1 0

Working with Hit the Target wasn't all that bad when you have done it for the entirety of your existence. Veeva Dash was no different, other than the fact she could talk in a language that was communicated vocally. She just chose not to do so frequently.

Hit the Target was a different story. Hit the Target couldn't talk and matter how many machines Anti-Fred might build, he couldn't fix this without confiscating someone else's ability to speak. Therefore, in order to communicate plans and ideas, there were two ways. One of which was communicating via paper which Veeva read to the entire group, and this was the mode that was commonly used. Then other was when Hit the Target pointed to his writing, pairing it up with body movements and facial expressions to get the idea of the plan. Both methods worked effectively, but only one was favored among the group. There was a similar structure with machine building too. Anti-Fred had adapted to Hit the Target's method of snapping and clapping. Clapping was mostly used for a less time sensitive demand, such as the removal or the passing of a tool. Snapping was mostly for urgent demands, such as core temperature checks, cooling solutions, and the danger of red stone mixing with water.

Anti-Fred and Hit the Target could have an entire conversation without ever having to mutter a word.

That was the nature of the curse.

One day, Hit the Target walked up to Anti-Fred, and motioned him to follow. Without hesitation, Anti-Fred nodded and walked with his boss, all the way over to the planning area, where brainstorms and hurricanes of crumbled paper balls were very common. Once there, he pointed to various signs on the wall that communicated a plan that was to take place soon.

Anti-Fred went in for a closer look, squinting his eyes. The signs described a plan that was to happen in two months, which was taking the dogs while Veeva Dash distracted Stampy, and when the cat realized what was going on, it would already be too late. Within the time frame they had, they wouldn't be able to take the oldest dog, but they were able to take at least three dogs that were often sitting there in the doghouse. This left Stampy in the palms of their hands, left him to do whatever it was Hit the target wanted him to do.

A mixture of negative conflicts flashed in Anti-Fred's mind as he looked at the time he had to mentally prepare.

"So, uh, what happens if he, hypothetically, finds out? If he sees past Veeva's distraction and he comes towards the dog house before we manage to take one dog?" Anti-Fred asked, fidgeting his fingers. The response was the motion of pulling out a sword, swinging it, and then the motion of handcuffing a person. "We're gonna capture him?" Hit the Target nodded, and a rock fell onto Anti-Fred's shoulders.

He was going to have to face his biggest fear, and make a choice. A choice between normalcy and a life he saw in the aftermath of his dreams.

He was going to have to risk it all, to gain everything, or to play to safe, and gain absolutely nothing in turn.

2 months.

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