𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞

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𝒀𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒔 𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓


Hastily closing the lunch boxes, Yuna stacked them up on top of each other before securing them with a lock.

"Haemin! Come get you lunch box!" She shouted as she washed her hands. Soon she heard the sound of running before she was hugged from behind.

"Bye mom!" Yuna pecked her daughter's head before she moved away to grab the lunch box. "Look at the time. Your gonna be late!" She scolded Haemin.

The young girl rushed to the door, hurriedly putting on her shoe. "I had to finish my homeworks last night!" And she left the house.

Yuna stared at the closed door, a sigh leaving her lips. "She works so hard" she smiled thinking about her daughter.

"My baby"

Meanwhile, Haemin ran all the way from her house to the school. It was a good thing that the school was near her home.


Haemin smiled as she found her best friend waving at her while standing at the gates. "HURRY UP!"

"I'M COMING!" Haemin panted as she reached her friend, adjusting the bag on her back.

"Let's go before miss grumpy decides to spank us with her bamboo stick" her best friend, Zoe warned her anxiously.

Haemin chuckled remembering her class teachers angry face that looks like a gorilla.

According to Haemin.

"What did you bring today?" Haemin asked as they walked inside. Zoe smiled, gripping on the bag strips.

"Dumplings I guess. Mom might have out some chicken nuggets too" Haemin sulked upon hearing the menu of her friend.

"Man! I feel jealous. I hope my mom didn't pack me anything boring like the regular boils veg's. That shit gives me constipation."

"Since when do vegetables give constipation?"

"Ugh! I want some snacks too!" Haemin whined, rubbing her hands on her face. "Well, atleast your mom thinks an ur your health. Mine just gives me any unhealthy food and then proceeds to call me fat. If i were you, I'd gladly eat whatever your mom packs."

"It's cause your mom loves you"

"And your mom doesn't?" Haemin remained quiet after Zoe's question, finding herself incapable of answering it as she couldn't find anything to reply with.

"Besides. Look at you! You look like a fucking model. Thanks to your mom!"
Haemin blushed as Zoe poked her arms teasingly.

"Hush! I don't look like a model!" Zoe scoffed as if Haemin said the biggest lie in the whole world.

"Those thirsty ass boys say otherwise. Look at them gawking at you like you're some prey they're gonna pounce on" Zoe clicked her tongue, crossing her arms over chest.

Following Zoe's eyes, Haemin caught the boys from an upper class staring at her and blushed immediately from the attention. "It might be cause I'm ugly. People like to stare at ugly people too!"

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞 | 𝐣𝐣𝐤✓Where stories live. Discover now