𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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𝑆𝑡𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑎 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑏𝑖𝑡𝑐ℎ


Jungkook stared at Stella, his heartbeat racing. "What the hell is this?!" He asked in a deep, low voice.

The woman chuckled. "Are you losing your sight as you age, Jungkook?"

"Stop being so stupid, Stella. I don't know what the fuck you want, but you don have any right harming my daughter like this!" He growled, walking towards haemin only to be stopped by Stella shooting at his feet.

"MMMFFMM!" Haemin screamed through the tape, trying to wiggle around. She desperately looked at Jungkook who had fallen on the ground from shock.

She snapped her gaze to Stella and glared at her. Stella gave her an amused look, cocking an eyebrow at her.

"Aww, sad that your daddy almost got hurt?" She cooed at Haemin which made the girl growl. "Stop trying so hard. I'm an expert at ropes and tapes, honey. I've experience." She laughed.

"Stella..." Jungkook's shaky voice took her attention away, humming with a smile. "Yes, my love?"

Jungkook looked at her with a calm look, though he was shaking inside.

Shaking with anger.

"What is that you want from me?"

Stella tilted her head to the side, looking all innocent.

"I thought you knew" she mumbled, walking to him before crouching down. "I brought your daughter to you, Jungkook. Your daughter, whom you've been yearning for the past 16 years. I did you a huge favor and you're supposed to return it." She tapped the gun on his cheek as she smiled lovingly.

"Let her go, Stella. This is about us. We can talk things through" he tried to pursue her.

Stella giggled. "Oh my darling husband. I'm Stella. I get what I want."

She gripped his face tightly, and glared at him. "I gave you a little present and you were supposed to be grateful. You were supposed to LOVE ME!" She shouted at the end, smacking his face with the gun.

Jungkook's cheek was bruised. "But you let her go. You dumb fucking man." She spat and went to Haemin.

The teen girl flinched visibly when Stella put her hand on her shoulder.

"So I figured out, if I want to have you, I gotta take your weak spot." Haemin squeaked when Stella grabbed her cheeks, pointing the gun to her head.

"I don't wanna waste any time. I want to make this short and sweet. If you want to have your daughter safe and alive, promise me that you'll love no one but me. You'll have to love me back. Because I'm all you have. EVERYONE LEFT YOU BUT I STAYED."

Haemin whimpered when Stella applied pressure to her head. "I PROMISE!" Jungkook quickly yelled out.

"I promise that I'll stay by your side. I came back home just for you. Because these past two days made me realize that you filled the void in my life Stella. That I've always knew that you were the one I truly loved. That I truly wanted "

His words seemed to sit well in her head as Stella's seemed to unconsciously pull the gun away from Haemin's head.

Jungkook continued.

"I came back after a lot of thinking. And I just wanna go fa from here with you so that we can start a new and better life. I just want to be happy, Stella. I want to be happy. And it can only be achieved if you're with me. I don't want you to do anything reckless which could end up with you in jail. I can lose someone precious to me again."

Jungkook's waterworks were so believable that Stella cried along with him, slowly walking towards him.

"Every night, without you knowing I'd hug you to sleep because your warmth was something that I crave. I may be cold to you, but it was the guilt o leaving you to see Yuna that day. I was ashamed of myself. I never thought about you and released all of my stress on you. I kept hurting your feelings yet you kept loving me."

"Oh Jungkook " Stella cried as she fell on her knees hugging Jungkook tightly. " So you loved me all along" Stella was so happy and relieved.

But she frowned when Jungkook flinched, moving away from her. "What-what's wrong?" She asked .

Jungkook timidly looked down, sniffling as he spoke. "T-the gun. I don't like guns. It scares me" he talked so softly and so innocently, that I touched Stella's heart.

"Oh no no baby. Don't worry" she threw the gun away but not far, not out of reach. "See my hands empty now, yeah?" She said, showing her hands and cooed looking at Jungkook's glossy doe eyes.

She pulled him into a hug once again and closed her eyes, keeping her chin on Jungkook's head.


She hummed.

"You're a great person. Someone who can love someone so much that it can make them cry" Stella's heart did flips because of Jungkook's compliments.

"But loving you back is not easy" Stella frowned, trying to pull away from him and speak but her words died down in her throat, instead coming out as a scream of pain.

"JUNGKOOK!" she shrieked as Jungkook violently pushed her away before running to haemin.

Stella cried in pain as she tried to move, but the knife pushed deep into her stomach prevented her from doing so.

Jungkook hurriedly took of the tape on her mouth first and then proceeded to untie her.

"Dad!" Haemin hugged him once she was free. Jungkook let out tears of relief, pecking her head.

He pulled her away, looked at her with a serious gaze after glancing at the thriving women at the back.

'" listen. Get out of here and meet your mother as soon as you can. I want you to run as far away from here. Just run as fast as you can and don't look back. Because this woman is dangerous. She could do anything to harm you and I don't want that "

"What about you?"

Jungkook smiled adoringly.

"My baby. I'll be fine. Nothing will happen to me. Now go""

Jungkook ushered her and when she tried to run , she squeaked in pain.

She looked down at her feet and saw the bruises formed on them. She tried to move forward, though she was limping her way to the door.

"YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE" Haemin flinched from the sudden shout.

Jungkook looked at Stella who was sitting up, the gun on her hand, pointing it at Haemin.

Jungkook knew what she was going to do and panicked. "HAEMIN!" He yelled and jumped infront of Haemin, just in time as Stella pulled the trigger.

He felt the pain hit body, right from his chest. He could hear the voice of his daughter calling for him.

His sight was becoming blurry, the pain growing as time passed by. He could feel someone take his head and put it on their lap.

The efforts they gave to try to keep him awake.

The pain was too much for him to take. He was scared. Not because he might die.

But because even if he died, his daughter was till in the psycho's presence.

His body became weak, breathing getting shallow and slowly darkness crept over his eyes and the voice became muffled.

But once thing that put his soul at ease was when he heard jimin's voice before he fell into a deep sleep.


Plz I don't know how to write.figjt scene I mean these kid of scenes. I promise I'll get better 😭💔

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞 | 𝐣𝐣𝐤✓Where stories live. Discover now