𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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𝑆𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒?


Jungkook pressed the play button on the Spotify app before putting on his earphones.

He looked over his shoulder at Stella who was eating ice cream while watching TV like a depressed woman.

He sighed heavily, disappointed in the lazy women. Ever since their maid went on leave, Stella hadn't lifted a finger to help with the housework.

It was only thanks to Jungkook that the house remained clean every single day.

When Jungkook arrived home a week ago, he didn't know why Stella looked like she was traumatized, as of she had witnessed a gruesome death.

He wanted to question her, but stepped back because he didn't want to get involved with the woman more than he is now.

Not going to lie.

In times like this, he'd remember his parents whom he betrayed by letting go of the woman who was perfect woman.

His perfect Yuna.

Every night he'd wonder, where was she?

How is she?

Is she living a good life?

Does she still love him? Miss him?

How was his daughter?

Putting his hands in his pocket, Jungkook walked calmly to the convenience store that he loves to go often.

After arriving, he smiled at the cashier as he entered. "Good afternoon, how's your day, Sam?" He removed one earphone as he stood infront of Sam.

Sam smiled back. "Quite good I must say. Just waiting very impatiently for my favorite noona to come with her cakes."

He giggled. Jungkook smiled as he nodded. "You seem to like that person a lot."

"I love that person. She's the best person I've ever met. She's being there with me in my most down moments. She doesn't know that but she's been my source of motivation ever since I met her."

"Seems like a crush" Jungkook teased as he chuckled. Sam laughed, shaking his head. "I don't. Not gonna lie, she's a beautiful woman. But I respect her a lot because she's like a noona I never had."

"I'm glad. Enjoy your day" Jungkook said before disappearing into an aisle.

He kept wandering around, looking at the snacks stacked up. He had planned to have a feast for himself.

Forget about Stella.

Today's about him.

As he was picking up two packets of ramen, he saw someone entering from the small mirror a bit far from him.

When he saw the face, his heart skipped a beat.


He shuffled back, almost hitting a shelf. His heart was beating furiously, both happiness and sadness enveloping him.

As if a train of memories had hit him the tears of Yuna that he had witnessed in the past flashed right infront of his eyes.

He didn't even realize when tears started streaming down his face. And as of God wanted him to suffer even more, 'until I found you' by Stephen Sanchez started playing.

It was like a trigger to his tears. He saw her smiling and laughing, and the butterflies created a storm inside him.

He was about to turn on his feet to run away, but stopped.

He doesn't want to leave.

After what?

16 years.

After 16 years he's finally seeing her. And he didn't want to miss this moment. He wants to savor this moment until the last.

So he stayed back.

Even though he was hurting inside because of the guilt and regret, he stayed and listened to their conversation.

He witnessed everything.

How she smiled and laughed.


How she blushed and smiled shyly when Sam talked about the man she's in love with.


How she stiffened when her name was called by one of the two familiar faces he knew.


How her eyes widened when she faced them.

Her parents.

His heart broke when Yuna avoided them. He knew why.

And he blames no one but himself. After all, it was for him only that she left her parents by going against their decision.

Just for him.

But somehow, he felt relieved and happy when her mother pulled her into a hug before Yuna could leave.

The parents cried as their daughter apologized over and over again.

The guilt she was feeling. The embarrassment.

But they hugged like she was their baby.

She is.

The reunited family cried and Jungkook cried along with them.

But he flinched when he heard Yuna's father ask about him. His heart cracked for the final time when she have them silence as an answer.

It was a good thing he was wearing a hoodie big enough to hide his face.

It gave him the opportunity to leave after slamming the money on the counter, startling the others.

The other stared at the 'weird man who keeps looking down to hide his face' left in a hurry.

And yuna didn't why but when he passed her, she felt something.



𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞 | 𝐣𝐣𝐤✓Where stories live. Discover now