𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

586 19 12


Jungkook laid on his bed, the memory of seeing Yuna after so long replaying in his head.

After a hard thinking, there was only one conclusion he came up with.

A second chance.

A second chance to mend what he broke.

But will he really be able to?

Because what he broke cannot be healed by him but somebody else.

And so, with the thought of getting her back, Jungkook slept peacefully.

The next few days he looked happy. Which made Stella weirded out. She'd notice him grinning ear to ear during breakfast, and she'd ask him,

'what are you smiling about?'

And his smile would be replaced with a frown. And every single time, his response would be a shining smile.

She was completely weirded out. But not going to lie but her heart kept fluttering.

And the flower of hope slowly started blooming.

'Maybe he's warming up to me.'

Was what she thought.

On the other hand, Jungkook was coming from his work when he saw Yuna on the streets.

Instinctively, he followed her and saw her entering a bakery. He didn't understand what was happening but it looked like as if fate was teasing him.

Because he was seeing Yuna in places he was familiar with. Places he'd visit often.

And the hopes for getting her back grows stronger.

It was at the start of the year that he had started going to this bakery. And he had never seen her.

But now seeing that she's working here made him excited.

Everyday he'd visit the bakery to get a glimpse of her, but he'd wear a mask so that he wouldn't be recognized by her.

Everyday, he'd see her and his want for her kept growing and growing.

It reached to the limit where he couldn't resist the urge to just have her and planned to visit her one day.

He prepared a lot.

New clothes.
New perfume.
New hairstyle.
New face powder.

And he bought a small lunchbox cake with Yuna's favorite flower bouquet.

Everything was ready and all he had to do was go to her house.

How does he know the address?

It's simple.


But even his stalking journeys never got him to see how his daughter looks like.

And so, he had arrived to her place and what he witnessed was enough to break him apart completely.

He saw a man with broad shoulders and infront of Yuna's door. And when she opened it, the man knelt down, holding up a ring.

Jungkook didn't know what the man was telling her but he saw how Yuna teared up, her hand cupping her mouth in shock.

He saw her nod and he could hear the familiar sound ringing in his ear.


The man stood up and hugged her before twirling her, both laughing in happiness.

Crack mf.

And as they both kissed was when the flower bouquet in Jungkook's hand dropped just like his broken heart.

Ultra pro crack.

And as of his teenager soul came back, he ran away from the scene like a rejected anime girl.

(Sorry 😔)


Also guys, I forgot to mention this but in season one, after Yuna left him, she had signed the divorce papers and sent to him which he signed back.

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞 | 𝐣𝐣𝐤✓Where stories live. Discover now