𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐱𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

782 19 12

𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟


Zoe watched as her best friend cried her eyes out, staring at the grave infront of them. "I know it was for a short time, but meeting him was the best thing that ever happened to me"

Soothingly rubbing her back, Zoe wiped away her tears. "It's alright. He's in a better place now"

Yuna who was waiting behind them sighed, looking at her watch. "Haemin. It's almost time to deliver the fruits to your father" she called for her and haemin stopped crying.

"And why are you crying so much over some seagull?"

"He ate bread from my hands! And he's not just some seagull! He's my Justin seagull " she wailed, wiping the snot with her sleeves.

"Haemin! Stop that!" Yuna walked over to haemin and pulled out a tissue before cleaning her nose. "Come on. Get up. We've to go. And Zoe dear. Your mom just called. said you've to be home quickly because your aunt is visiting."

At that Zoe whined. "Ugh! Not her! Her kid always messes up my story books "

Zoe grumbled before standing up and leaving on her bike. "See you tomorrow at School, haemin "

Haemin nodded, still sniffling. "Come on let's go." The two ladies walked to the car and sat inside. "Ok now, you go to him with the basket. I'll go to the bakery and come back with Seokjin. You know the way right?"

Haemin nodded.  "I'm his regular visitor mom" Yuna chuckled. "Right."

Yuna started the car, driving to the hospital. And as soon as they reached there, haemin rushed out and ran into the building.

"Hello, miss grapes" she greeted the receptionist who was eating some green grapes. Startled, the woman looked at the running girl with mouth full of the round fruit.


Haemin giggled to herself, excited about seeing her dad, even though she's been visiting since he was taken to a normal ward from the ER.

As she reached the ward, she slowed down her steps, hearing voices from inside.

Haemin stopped by the door and peeked inside, watching the chaos unfold.

(I've to dot his guys oh I'll not be able to breathe)

"This is insane" Jimin gasped, shaking his head, while Jungkook who was sitting on his bed nodded along.

They both were cowardly staring at the big bug with eyelash like antennas. It was on the wall, and Jimin was at a good distance.

"What the fuck kinda bug is that?" Jungkook asked, grimacing at the disgusting creature.

Jimin looked at Jungkook as if he grew two head before he rolled his eyes. "Ugh! Bitch it's an eyelash bug. Can't you see those big ass eyelashes. Probably stole them from Katya"

"Shut up" Jungkook clicked his tongue. "I swear on my toe nails, that some long eyelashes."

Jimin giggles. "Bitch I'm on fleek" he sassed.

"It looks like you when you wore your mom's eyelashes when you were ten"

Smirking, Jimin flipped his short hair. "I know right. Just got my lashes done in the club. Muchin you-AAH WHAT THE FUCK!"

both of them screamed out loud as the bug fluttered it's wings and took off. It moved towards Jimin, making him scream bloody murder.

His eyes rolled back and Jimin fell on the floor. His body thrived like a fish out of water before he stopped moving.

Haemin who was outside gasped loudly before she ran inside. "Is he ok??" She asked, crouching down next to him. "It's fine. He'll wake up in a while"

Haemin pouted. "Should I put him on the couch" Jungkook shook his head. "Let him be there. Just cross his body and come sit here next to me" he chuckled.

But feeling bad enough to do that, haemin just walked around his body and went to sit next to Jungkook. She placed the fruit basket on the table and hugged him.

"How are you feeling now, dad?" She asked as they pulled away. "I'm fine. I can be discharged next week"

Haemin nodded.

"What's going on?" The father and daughter looked at the door and smiled as they saw Yuna and Seokjin enter.

"Saw a big bug and it tried to come at at uncle Jimin. He got scared and now he's unconscious " haemin explained and the parents chuckled.

Seokjin volunteered to put Jimin on the couch before he stood by Yuna's side.

"Get well soon, Jungkook " Jungkook politely bowed and smiled at Yuna. "And thank you for saving haemin"

Jungkook shook his head. "of course. She's my child too, just like she's yours and seokjin's."

"Jungkook saw Seokjin smile to himself and it made him happy.

Jungkook and Yuna were on talking terms but they weren't friends. Just strangers .

But Haemin does spend a lot of time with Jungkook and Yuna doesn't mind at all .

As for our lovely Stella aka bitchara, she's currently put in the Seoul mental asylum.

The woman had turned crazy after she realized she shot Jungkook with her own hands, something she never intended to do.

She started harming herself to the point of suicide, so the police had to move her to the mental asylum.

To Stella, Jungkook was declared dead as he didn't want to be associated with her anymore. And they were even divorced.

It was a happy ending for everyone.

Stella being an exception.

Jungkook may have been miserable his whole life, but now that he's getting to be a better father to Haemin, he feels forgiven.

He feels happy.

He faced the consequences of his mistakes and freed himself from his  worst choice.

Now, it's a new life for him.


The end

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞 | 𝐣𝐣𝐤✓Where stories live. Discover now