𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐨

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𝑀𝑖𝑠𝑠 𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑒𝑛 𝑏𝑒𝑒


The next day


Haemin unconsciously glared at her best friend. The girl was basically flirting with her crush.

Zoe smiled as Daniel showed how surprised he was when he understood the question she was explaining to him.

But in Haemin's eyes, it was pure flirting. "It's gonna be chem period. You better sit properly or else the teacher might scold you" Haemin said, cutting their conversation off.

A sense of pride filled her when she saw how Zoe looked disappointed when Daniel turned his attention on Haemin.

"Is it time already?" Haemin nodded with a shy smile, her heart running a marathon since he's talking to her. "Wow. I didn't even notice. Guess I was that into it huh?" He chuckled before turning to Zoe.

"By the way, thanks for being my 20 minute teach, Zoe." When he smiled, Zoe's heart fluttered.

Daniel chuckled at her flustered reaction. "hope you will teach me again" he said as he took his math textbook. Zoe softly nodded as she busied herself with preparing for her next class.

Haemin rolled her eyes at Zoe's reaction. She was pretty sure that Zoe was just being too girly to get his attention.

And she wasn't liking how friendly and close Daniel was with Zoe. Daniel barely talked with her as he seemed to be more smitten with Zoe.

What's so special about that four eyes girl anyways?

But Haemin's eyes became wide when she realized what she just thought to herself. She literally insulted Zoe who's her best friend.

Pressing her lips into a thin line, she looked down at her notebook and pretended to write when all she did was draw random shapes on it.

"I can help you with lessons as well" she mumbled loudly, glancing at Daniel. A smile snuck onto her lips when Daniel looked at her. "That's nice."

Haemin felt happy with the response. She glanced at Zoe, wanting to see her frown but got surprised when she found her smiling. "Our Haemin here is the best student you know. She gets the highest in the class everytime. Truthfully I get a bit jealous though I'm just the second place"

Zoe laughed. Haemin felt a bit guilty for thinking bad about her friend. Especially when Zoe praised her to agree with her offer to Daniel.

Daniel on the other hand, took a liking to Zoe, seeing how she was bringing her friend to the spotlight instead of pushing her back.

The sincerity in her eyes made him like her even more. He knew that Zoe would the perfect friend for anyone. Even him.

"I'm glad to have two top students as friends." He boasted, making the tow girls blush. "you can teach me other subjects too Haemin. I'd like to take maths with Zoe, if you don't mind."

Haemin forced on a smile as she nodded."that's fine. But if you want, you can come to me for maths as well. I'm really good at that subject" Zoe nodded, agreeing with her.

"That's right. She tops the math papers. You can ask her for help whenever you want, ok Daniel?"

The softness in Zoe's voice mesmerized Daniel. He didn't know why he could hear his won heart beat loud and clear. Were the girls hearing it too?

"S-Sure" Daniel wanted to slap himself because he just stuttered. It was honestly embarrassing. To avoid looking at Zoe, he turned his gaze to Haemin. But catching her staring at him took him off guard and made him shy so he just turned to sit properly.

Thankfully, the teacher also arrived to the classroom.

On the other hand, this flustered behavior of Daniel sent the wrong message to Haemin.

When he turned away from her with a shy gaze, she thought his heart might have fluttered just like hers when they made eye contact.

With her cheeks bright pink, she sat straight but her eyes were on the book. A smile of contentment played on her lips as she thought back to his shy face.

"Does he like me too?"


I'm so excited for this y'all.

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞 | 𝐣𝐣𝐤✓Where stories live. Discover now