𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐱

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It's been a week since she had gotten rid of the dairy and Yuna has never felt so free and relaxed.

Things seemed to be better than before but Yuna has been noticing Haemin's unusual behavior.

Normally Haemin would become a chatter box and tell Yuna all about her day. But now days, she seems to be avoiding any interaction with either Yuna or Yeri.

As if she's hiding something.

But Yuna didn't want to be 'nosy' as Haemin would complain. So she thought that it'll be better to leave her be.

If Haemin wants, then she'll come to Yuna and tell whatever is troubling her. But if it takes too long, the worry will keep bothering and Yuna and in the end she'll ask Haemin.

It's up to the child whether she wants to answer Yuna or not.

Sighing at the thought of her daughter, Yuna entered the convenience store that she goes to on a regular basis.

"Good afternoon, Sam" she beamed as soon as the familiar cashier came to view.

The man smiled as he saw and walked out from behind the counter, helping her with the bags of lunch box cakes she was carrying.

"They're heavy" Sam noted. Yuna nodded as she placed her handbag on the counter.

"There's a total of 30. Would that be enough?"

"More than enough. Don't mind if I take one for free."

Yuna chuckled. "Take take. I don't mind."

Placing the bags near a shelf, Sam began to stock them in the mini fridge.

"You always make such pretty cakes. Can you teach me how to make them, noona? I'm thinking of becoming a patisserie once I'm done with the college."

A kind smile fell on Yuna's lips. "Sure. I can help you get a job now as well. I have a friend who owns a bakery."

Sam placed the last box in the fridge and closed it. He turned to Yuna with a teasing look on his face. "Friend? I thought Mr.Seokjin was your boyfriend "

Yuna blushed profusely when Sam mentioned Seokjin as her boyfriend.

Kim Seokjin.

He was a man that she stumbled upon in a birthday party of a 5 year old. Yuna was given the order to make a beautiful lavender themed cake for the birthday girl.

When she had arrived to the location with the cake, she heard arguing from inside.

And her name was especially mentioned.

When she entered the place, she saw her client trying to handle a furious man with broad shoulders who looked like an angry alpaca.

Apparently, he was a patisserie himself and he was upset over the fact that his sister, who was Yuna's client, didn't let him make the birthday cake for his niece.

But since his sister like Yuna's cakes, she asked Yuna to make it.

When the furious man had spotted an awkward Yuna standing by the door, all of his anger had washed away.

As if one glance on Yuna's face was enough to melt him.

It was love at first sight for the man.

He even offered a job at his bakery. Yuna, who had the golden opportunity handed over to her on a silver platter was reluctant.

First of all, she didn't know what kind of a man this was.

Second of all, he just argued about her.

But then he apologized and the dazzling smile he sent Yuna's way almost made the woman go blind.

And then, she agreed.

She helped around in the bakery full time, until her cake business hit the sky and she became more busy handling her orders.

But every now and then, she'd pay a visit to seokjin's bakery.

And he'd be the happiest man alive on earth with every visit from Yuna.

Not going to lie.

Four years passed, and Yuna developed feelings for Seokjin.

But she still had the fear.

What if he doesn't like her?

What if he hates her once her feelings for him were out?

He was also a good friend so she can't afford to lose that. Though she had dreams of having a family with him knowing how good of a father he'd be, she let them be just dreams.

"He's not my bo-boyfriend. We're just friends" she stuttered, touching her warm cheeks. Sam noticed her blushing and chuckled.

"Don't worry, Noona. I'm sure he likes you back. I mean, who wouldn't?"

"I-I don't like him that way!" She squeaked.

Sam squinted his eyes at her and Yuna gave up.

"Am I that obvious?"

"Very much"

Yuna sighed, feeling embarrassed now that she's caught. She giggled as Sam kept on praising her while taking out a small lunch for her.

A tuna rice ball and a ramen cup, adding with the apple juice carton.

"Let's have lunch. It's my break time too" Yuna nodded and took her snacks in her hand.

A giant smile was all that Sam could see on her face, until it dropped at the call of her name.


The familiar voice, that she hadn't heard for so many years provoked the emotions pushed back inside her.

With her heart slamming against her chest, Yuna slowly turned around to see the owner of the voice.

And when she did,

She forgot how to breath.


𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞 | 𝐣𝐣𝐤✓Where stories live. Discover now