𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞

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𝑈𝑛𝑙𝑢𝑐𝑘𝑦 𝑑𝑎𝑦


Stella wanted Jungkook.

She wanted to be loved by him.


Because she loves him.

If she loves him then he should love her back.

Isn't that how love works?

Loving the person that loves you?

But the problem at first was that Jungkook belonged to somebody else.

Despite that, Stella wanted him for herself. And when she achieved that, Yuna leaving Jungkook being a bonus, Stella finally thought that her happy ending had finally arrived at her doorstep.

Especially when Jungkook married her. Though the marriage was just forced by Jungkook's parents as a punishment for his infidelity, atleast he's tied to her forever.

Normally, Stella's mornings would be great, minus the fact that she gets ignored by Jungkook.

But today, things seemed to take a different turn.

The maid that was hired to clean the house and cook meals for her was given leave by Jungkook due to the woman's pregnancy.

And this made Stella displeased when she got to know about it from Jungkook before he left for office.

'so what if she's pregnant? Atleast she'd get some exercise to stay healthy instead of slacking off and gaining weight'

Was what Stella told Jungkook after his revelation. Jungkook, however ignored her after giving her a dirty look.

He wanted to yell out,

'A pregnant woman has to go through a lot of trouble and pain for whole nine months! But how would you understand that?! You don't even have the capability to bear a child!'

Jungkook decided that those.words were better kept in his mind rather than reciting it out loud for the snappy woman to hear.

After all, they're too poisonous. He had the strong urge to say it, but the sympathetic side of his refused to break the woman's heart with such words.

After Jungkook left for work, Stella was left alone in the house.

She had planned to just spend the day watching TV and eating food. Unluckily, when she peeked into the fridge, it was almost empty. With just a few tomatoes and apples lying around.

It looked like they needed to do some grocery shopping.

'if only that stupid maid was here's was what she had grumbled after slamming the fridge door shut.

She was too lazy to do shopping so she just dropped on the couch and watched TV on an empty stomach.

Time passed with Stella being indulged in a romance Korean drama. But there was a scene that lightened the bulb over Stella's head.

In the drama, the wife was cooking lunch for her husband who was at work and took it to his office.

Stella had always wanted to be the perfect wife for Jungkook.

And being the perfect wife meant that she'll be loved by him.

So she hopped on her feet and marched towards the kitchen. A big smile was pulled on her lips as she opened the fridge only for it to vanish.

She had forgotten about the empty fridge. Her shoulders slumped in disappointment, not knowing what to do until the upper cupboards caught her attention.

She had remembered that there must be a ramen packet and so she decided to make ramen for Jungkook and take it to lunch.

She had to get on a chair to take the packet from the cupboard as her height prevented her from reaching it.

But as she was about to grab it, somehow she lost her balance and fell off the chair.

The fall was very much painful for her back, but she got back up, Jungkook on her mind and carried on to make lunch.

Now, one thing that Stella forgot about herself  was that, she can't cook for shit.

All she could do was just flick the damn bread on a pan and toast it. But still, that was enough achievement for her to reach the Gordon Ramsay level.

She was surely prepared to make the ramen. She was physically prepared of course. But mentally?


She had left the noodles to boil in the pot and went to watch TV until the noodles were ready to be mixed with sauce.

But her mind was elsewhere and she completely forgot about the noodles which had burned down to nothing.

And that concluded her Gordon Ramsay journey to making ramen. Even burnt ramen wasn't on her lucky side.

She even burned her wrist while she tried to put away the pot. With the panic of ash ramen, she had forgotten to wear kitchen gloves (I forgot tf they called)

The whole mess had her sweat buckets and so with the plan of buying lunch and taking it to him, Stella went to shower only to find out that the liquid soap was over.

So she did the most smartest thing she could do at that moment.

Fill the soap bottle with water and shake it like Jackson Wang shaking his vanilla milkshake.

Truth to be told, she didn't feel at all clean with the shower she had.

And so, groceries and shower needs added to the shopping list, Stella left the house for the first time to run an errand on her own.

She had worn a formal dress, because apart from the smelly shower she took, the dress would make her feel pretty and clean.

She knew that the day will be good.

Only if she had known.

After buying the lunch for Jungkook, she was set on her way to his company when she a kid bumped into her.

The lunch bag in her hand flew in the air and splatted on the ground, creating a small mess.

Not only that, her dress was ruined because the girl's ice cream was smeared on it.

She felt tears pricking her eyes from the pent up frustration of the misfortunes she was facing.

She was about to yell profanities at the kid when her mother came to the child's aid and apologized.

Too tearful to say anything, Stella stormed away from her, not caring about Jungkook's lunch and went home.

There was nothing at home since she didn't buy any groceries from the overwhelming sensation she was feeling.

She didn't dare to step outside for the day. And so, she waited in the living room on an empty stomach until Jungkook arrived.

She shedded a few tears, even getting a headache and a blocked nose. All she wanted was cuddles from Jungkook.

Maybe Jungkook will be kind enough to wipe away her tears. But that only stayed as a hope because Jungkook ignored her after placing the groceries he bought, in the kitchen.

And then he left.

With a new soap bottle on his hand.

She tried talking to him.

Tried to tell him about her bad day.

But all she got was a deaf ear and a cold shoulder.

'im tired '

Was the response she got from him before he was fast asleep.

And Stella slept beside him, quietly shedding tears while holding onto the end of his shirt.

On an empty stomach.


𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞 | 𝐣𝐣𝐤✓Where stories live. Discover now