𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐞𝐧

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𝐴𝑛 𝑜𝑝𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑦



I'm going out" Stella said as she wore her handbag and walked to the door. Before stepping out, she turned to look at Jungkook who was laid on the bed, sulking.

Stella found this behavior of his strange. Because lately, rather than looking grumpy and cold, he seemed to look weak and sullen.

But still cold.

He still ignores Stella like he always does.

Sighing loudly, Stella closed the door behind her. Jungkook flinched from the loud that the door made as it was closed shut.

He picked up his head and peeped at the door before falling back on his pillow with long sigh.

His puffy eyes made it hard for him to see shit clearly. True, he had been crying ever since witnessing the scenes responsible for his heart cracks.

He didn't show a single tear being shed to Stella. Because he knows that Stella would ask questions and he doesn't want to talk to her.


Jungkook had planned that once things were set  right with Yuna, then he'd divorce Stella.

He should've cut her off from his life long ago but the guilt kept him locked with her.

And now, seeing how Yuna was so happy made his guilt double.

On the other hand, Stella hummed happily as she skipped her way on the streets, not caring if people gave her weird looks.

A woman in her thirties skipping on the streets like a little child.

It doesn't matter to her.

Today was a happy day.

Because now that Jungkook is becoming vulnerable, his stiff and arrogant attitude crumbling away, Stella knows that she'll have her way with him soon.

He'll be hers soon.

After buying a chocolate bun with chocolate milk, Stella went to the park not so far away and sat down on a bench.

She ignored the girl hunched over, her hands covering her face.

Putting her bag aside, Stella put down her bun packet on her lap before opening the milk bottle and taking a sip from it to wet her throat.

"Ah~ that feels good" she moaned. She put the bottle aside and opened the packet before taking out the bun.

She was about to put it in her mouth when she heard a loud sob. She glanced at the girl from the corner of her eyes and scowled.

Looking away she took a bit from the bun and hummed in delight as the flavours melted on her tongue.

But the constant sobs coming from the girl next to her disturbed her. "Go cry somewhere else little girl. You're ruining my day" she spat rudely, not caring of she made her feel embarrassed.

"Hic-sorry" the girl whimpered, trying to wipe off the overflowing tears. Nonetheless, the sobs never stopped. Stella gripped on the packet tightly, her head aching from the irritation.

"What's your problem, kid??" She growled, brows furrowed.

"I'm sorry if I'm disturbing you. It's just....hic...I had a bad day"

Stella sighed. "Wanna spill the tea?" She asked nonchalantly, biting on her bun. The girl sniffled. "If you don't mind"

Stella shrugged. "I don't mind"

"Today my mom brought a man home-hic" Stella froze, eyes widening. Her eyes glanced at the sniffling girl, eyes sparkling with interest. "And?" She asked, almost eagerly.

"And she told me that she's dating that man. How can she do that?? She didn't even ask me! I'm her daughter! How can she just waltz a man into our life and make him my father?!"

"Where's your dad, kid?" At the question, the girl flinched. "I don't know" she mumbled sadly.

"Your mom's in the wrong kid. You're her daughter, and she should have told you first before agreeing to date that man." Stella rambled, taking a bite from the bun.

"I know right!" The girl beamed and looked up and Stella and the woman almost got a heart attack.

Because when she looked at the girl, the similarity almost knocked her out. Because the girl looked like someone she very well know.

"Y-you-did you run away" the bunny toothed smile faltered away as she curtly nodded. Gulping, Stella ate the last bit of the bun before drinking half of the milk bottle.

Stella's thoughts wavered from Jungkook to Yuna. What if...

Stella mentally gasped, shaking her head at the conclusion.

'that can't be. That can't be' licking her lips, she looked at the girl. "Do you know who your dad?" The girl but her lips as she looked down.

"I never saw him in my whole life. I don't even know his name"

Just at that moment, the girl phone rang and Stella's heart almost came out of her chest when she pulled out her phone from her pocket.

There displayed on the phone was the picture of Yuna hugging the girl, and on top of it was the contact name,

'mommy 💜'

A smirk slowly appeared on Stella's lips when the phone call got cut.

"Hey kid" the girl looked at Stella with a questioning look.

Stella smiled, a bit too sweetly.

"What if I told you, that you can meet your dad....



Stella the teen-napper

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞 | 𝐣𝐣𝐤✓Where stories live. Discover now