𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞

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𝐿𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑔𝑜


"So....your name is Haemin?" Jungkook asked, trying to get rid of the awkward silence.

Haemin sniffled as she nodded. Right now they were in Jungkook's and Stella's shared bedroom while the woman was in the living room, giving them privacy as Jungkook had told her.

Sighing, Jungkook took a tissue from his bedside drawer and handed it to Haemin. "How did you meet Stella?"

"I met her at a park after I ran away from home" she sniffled. Surprised by the information, Jungkook gasped. "Ran away?! Did you and your mom have a fight?!"

Haemin nodded. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked but regretted when fresh new tears formed. But when she nodded, he sighed in relief.

He didn't want to make her, his own daughter cry because of him.

"My mom brought home a boyfriend" she started and Jungkook's breath hitched. Even though he knows about it beforehand, it still feels like he just got to know about it.

The wound is still fresh.

"You're not happy about?" Haemin shook her head. "It's all so sudden. I couldn't even grasp what was going on" she whimpered.

"She says she loves him and that she's gonna marry him."

"Isn't that good? Your mom is getting her happy ending"

"What about me?" As Haemin croaked , the tears that ran down her face squeezed Jungkook's heart.

He wiped her tears away affectionately. "What's bothering you? Tell me" he softly said, and Haemin's face scrunches up, her eyes glistening even.

"Dad" Jungkook heart skipped a beat, biting his lips as he felt his eyes tear up. "Yes tell dad. Tell me what happened"

Suddenly she broke into sobs and hugged Jungkook. Even though he was trembling, Jungkook wrapped his arms around her, rocking her side to side.

"She didn't even tell me whether you were alive or not! I didn't even know your name! Where you live! How you look! She didn't tell me anything. I always waited for you to come back to me even though I never knew who you were."

A hiccup cut her off before she continued with her tears flowing out of her eyes freely.

"I always hoped that one day you'll appear infront of pir door, arms wide open so that I can run into them and be hugged by you so tightly that you'll never let me go"

"Even in school when I was younger, my classmates would be bully because you weren't there. They'd call me fatherless and won't include me in group activities. It hurt so much when I see kids with both mom and dad while I was there with just mom."

"Right now on school even, there's this boy I like and my best friend seems to be too close to him. I want him to like me back. He's nice to me but he's not interacting with me that much. All of his attention is on my best friend Zoe."

"It makes me feel sad and jealous. I wanted to talk to mom about it because it had been troubling me for a few days. But I'm scared. Because she always nags about not trusting boys and not dating them. I don't want her to lash out on me because I have feelings for a boy. I can't even focus on my studies properly because of it."

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞 | 𝐣𝐣𝐤✓Where stories live. Discover now