Part 17

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Author's POV

Eunha was sitting on the rooftop when she felt a presence at back. She turned back and saw Jungkook who was a bit stunned to see her.

Eunha noticed Jungkook had a cigarette in his hand which Jungkook throws away making her chuckle. He comes and sits beside her.

Jungkook : Shouldn't you be asleep it's late.....
Eunha : Yeah but it's peaceful here. And why are you awake.
Jungkook : Just wanted to clear my mind.

For the first time, Jungkook was serious. There wasn't playfulness in his voice nor his face was glowing.

Eunha : Your parents are coming tomorrow aren't you happy?

Jungkook took a deep breath and looked into Eunha's eyes.

Jungook : I don't like my parents.

Jungkook said without hesitation and Eunha could sense Jungkook was hurt.
She nods and takes out a pack of cigarettes and lits one for herself and forwards the pack to Jungkook.

Eunha : I saw you throwing it earlier. It's fine even I do smoke.

Jungkook took a cigarette in his mouth and leaned toward her to light it.

Jungkook : I wonder when you hate me and yet sit with me at midnight.

Eunha : I don't hate you...
Eunha said more like she was telling herself.

Jungkook chuckled.

Jungkook: Then do you love me?

Eunha : I am never gonna love a Playboy like you.
Eunha said and Jungkook looked at her for a while and smiled to himself.

Jungkook : Let's see...... I ain't a Playboy tho I just flirt with them because they all seek attention. I never gave them hope for a relationship or slept with them.

This information was new to Eunha. She thought he used to take advantage of girls.

Eunha : Still your actions hurt them.
Jungkook : That's not my problem. I tell them I don't commit to relationships but they believe they might change me. And then they end up getting hurt.

Eunha was now understanding his perspective. He was just playful he never intended on hurting anyone.

Eunha : But someday you will change. Don't you think you should stop flirting if they think they might have a chance and it gives them hope that you'll change?

Jungkook : I am a kind person baby. I flirt when I get bored of their lovey-dovey talks or when I want them to stop trying to please me with their fake words. The reverse card you see. I don't care if it hurts them.

Eunha : So mean.....

Jungkook chuckled.

Jungkook : I will change of course someday.

He looked into Eunha's eyes

Jungkook : Or maybe I am willing to change now.

His words made Eunha skip a heartbeat.

Eunha : I ain't getting in your trap baby boy stop trying on me.

Jungkook : Don't tempt me with your words.

Eunha chuckled and Jungkook smiled seeing her.

Jungkook: Wanna go on a bike ride?
Eunha : Now?
Jungkook: Yes.
Eunha : It's too late Jungkook-
Jungkook : It will be fine. Yes or No?


Y/n : Ta-Taehyung-
Taehyung : Just stay like this.

You won't lie you felt so good when he hugged you. You melted in his arms. After a while, Taehyung loosened his grip and turned you back. You could see he was embarrassed or blushing. But surely he was red. He cleared his throat and said.

Taehyung : We should sleep now.

Still a cold jerk. You mumbled and maybe he heard as he gave you a little glare.

You followed him to bed and switched off the lights.


The cold wind made her hair fly back. The darkness of night looked so evil yet beautiful with the innocence of moonlight falling on her making her look beautiful.

It wasn't the first time Eunha is out at night but this time it was so different. She only came out at night to kill but today she realized the beauty of the night and the real peace.

She was clutching the sides of Jungkook's leather jacket making his heart flutter again and again as she grips it tight.
He could feel her body attached to him. She put her head on his shoulder making him skip heartbeats.

Soon Jungkook stopped the bike and Eunha sat straight looking at her surroundings. It was a hill cliff. She could see the moon clearly and fireflies flying around. It was beautiful. Jungkook looked at Eunha who was smiling while looking around. Moonlight falls on her face making her look breathtaking. Every time with her Jungkook feels so many emotions. He wants to make her happy. He wants to be with her but he knows he doesn't deserve her. He was a Playboy he broke so many hearts without regret. But now he is afraid that unintentionally he hurts Eunha. He doesn't want to hurt her. He only wants to be the reason for her happiness.

Eunha : You bought me to kill here or what? Good isolated place you could push me off the cliff and no one will know......

Eunha chuckled and Jungkook shooked his head while smiling.

Jungkook : You dislike me. I should be afraid of you killing me...

Eunha : Let me think.....

Jungkook : This is such a romantic place and all you could think of is killing.

Eunha shrugged her shoulders and looked around.

Jungkook came closer to her. And held her by the waist. Eunha was taken aback but she didn't push him

Jungkook : Eunha.....
Hearing her name in such a deep voice made her heartbeat increase.

Jungkook : I don't think I can keep this to myself anymore. I have feelings for you Eunha. The feelings I never felt before with any girl. Of course, you don't believe any word I say but just listen to me. I want to take it off my heart. At first, I was attracted to you because you never paid attention to me. But slowly as I got closer to you. As I got to know you I fell for you. I didn't want to accept it. But these feelings kept growing I even tried to distance myself from you as I was afraid that I might hurt you too but it didn't work. I crave you even more. I want to be the reason for your happiness. I want to make you happy.

He rests his head on her. She could feel his hot breath.

Jungkook : I love you Eunha. I love you a lot.

Eunha was stunned. She couldn't process his words. Sure she knew Jungkook was attracted to her but these feelings? Was he sincere? His eyes showed sincerity. But how can she trust a Playboy? Besides relationships are not for her.

Jungkook : You won't believe me. I know. I don't expect the same feelings from you. I just wanted to confess. Tomorrow my parents would come and I will go back with them to the US. I just have a few days here with you.

Eunha felt pain in his voice and it did hurt her too. She won't be able to see Jungkook anymore. Her eyes were locked with him and he leaned closer. She closed her eyes and felt his lips on her. She didn't push him away. He kissed her. Their lips moved slowly on each other. A while later Jungkook pulled away.

Jungkook : I really love you a lot.

Love and War [Taehyung FF] PAUSEDWhere stories live. Discover now