3. Chuuya

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"Dazai?! What the hell are you doing in my room?!"

"I could ask the same question." Dazai walked forward, flicking the rim of my hat.

"Don't touch me!"

"I didn't touch you, I touched your hat." He said, an infuriating smirk growing on his face.

"Shitty Dazai!" I hissed, turning away. "Are you telling me this is your room too?"


"So where's the second bed?"

"There isn't one. Is that a problem?"

"Of course it's a problem." I let out an irritated sigh, brushing my hair out of my face. Why does Dazai have to keep showing up? Wasn't he the one who left?

"Chuuya, come on~ we've shared a bed before."

"Those times are over."

"Chuuya..." his tone turned serious, and I felt his hand touch my shoulder.

"Fuck off, why don't you?" I yelled back at him, wrenching my shoulder away. I stormed into the bathroom and slammed the door, letting my body sink to the floor as I laid my head on my arms.

I sighed. After this week, the truce would be over. I would never have to see his stupid traitor face again until I faced him on the battlefield. I felt a glimmer of doubt. Is that what I want?

"Stop it Chuuya! It's over!" I hissed, slamming my fist against the wall before standing up. I'm over it now.

I walked out of the bathroom, my feet heavy. I adjusted my hat as Dazai turned to look at me. "I need a drink," I told him, grabbing my coat.

"Ooh, sounds good. Wait up!"

"Tch, as if!" I pulled my coat on and bolted out to the elevators, furiously spamming the down button. "Come on!"

"Chuuyaaa! I'm coming!"

"When I said I needed a drink it wasn't an invitation."

"What, is it your bar now?" Dazai teased, putting his hand on the top of my hat. "I'll buy, don't worry."

"You'd better," I said, shooting him a glare as I smacked his hand away. He just grinned, and we made our way into the open elevator. I lead the way to the door.

"You've already got it mapped out, Chuuya."

"I'll only be able to bear this trip wasted."

"And go to the beach with a hangover?"

"Who says I'm going?" I sighed, adjusting my hat before I walked into the door.

"Come on Chuuya! Why don't you come?" He whined, trailing after me.

"I don't want to get sand in my hat."

Dazai snickered, I looked over and rolled my eyes when I saw the goofy smirk on his face. "Oh, I know~ it's because you get freckles when you stay out in the sun."

"Huh?!? I-I do not!"

"You do. I already see a freckle rightt there." He poked my cheek under my eye, making me blink.

"Shut the hell up Dazai!" My ears began to feel warm as he chuckled.

"Just kidding. They're all over your face!"

"Tch!" He sat down next to me as I hopped onto the barstool, glancing over the menu.

"Get whatever you want," he offered, placing his wallet on the table.

"Was planning on it." I ignored his laugh and looked closer at the menu. Nothing really caught my eye. I stared at the menu for a moment, thinking, when Dazai's voice cut in.

"Haven't decided?"

"I have no idea."

"Don't you want that wine?" He pointed at my menu.

"No, that brand is shit."

"Alright. Well, I'll just get you what  I'm getting." He said, closing the menu.

"It better not suck, Dazai."

"No promises~!" Dazai raised his hand and began to order. I sighed, glancing over to the beach behind me. Maybe he's right, and I should go. But so many kids...

My thoughts drifted away as I watched seagulls dive into the ocean. Looks like they weren't having much luck today. I sighed, gazing at the gulls sympathetically. Me too, birds, me too...

"Ay, slug." I looked back at Dazai, who pushed me a glass of a brown drink, the sphere of ice clinking against the cup. I picked it up, giving it s tentative sniff.

"Sake? They have some? I didn't see it."

"Mhm. Just like what we used to get back in the bar in Yokohama."

"When you'd go with Ango and Odasaku." Dazai nodded, swirling his glass.

We went silent and I sighed, raising the glass to my lips.

"Nuh-uh, Chuuya~"

"Why'd you buy me a drink if you don't want me to drink it?" I asked, but i put it down anyway.

"We make a toast first."

I snorted. "To what?"


He raised his glass with a smile, and I begrudgingly raised mine as well.


"To victory," we said in unison.
i have become too lazy to go in and indent every paragraph so im just gonna like not yk

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