20. Dazai

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Another wave began to rear up, crashing down in white foam as Chuuya and I jumped in sync. We easily rode the wave and were gently placed back down on our feet. Of course, Chuuya was always a little later to land. It comes with the territory of being so short.

"Big one," Chuuya said, and I had to admit that he was probably right. I felt the backwards tugging at my waist that signified a strong wave to come. But my predictions unfortunately came too late as the wave broke and hit me, filling my mouth with salty water.

There was something of an exhilarating thrill to be submerged under the water, thrown back by such a force. It didn't particularly hurt.

I kicked my feet out to reach the bottom, spitting the water out.

I'd prefer a river. The ocean is annoyingly salty, I thought as I spat out the water, my mouth feeling strange and dry from the concentration of salt. My eyes stung as the wind blew again, telling me of the ocean water that had gotten into them.

Slowly, Chuuya's laughter came closer to my ears. I looked back at him, where he was swimming over to me, easily using the waves to push him closer to his destination.

      Not that I minded. That laughter was one of my favorite sounds.

      He reached my side, the signature cocky grin on his face. "I want to say something bad about it, but that shit was the best thing I've seen all year. I didn't know klutzy Dazai was a thing."

       But I had to defend myself against that. "Ha ha, I may have fell once but I don't look like an orange chihuahua doing the doggy paddle in the ocean."

      I grinned as his expression instantly changed. "I'm not a dog, you dumb fuck!"

      "Down! Bad Chuuya, bad!" I exclaimed as he jumped at me, wrestling me in the water. I heard him shout as he pushed onto me, trying to knock me over again. But I held firm with my feet in the sand. He scoffed and eventually gave up, ceasing to fight.

      I smirked at him, pointing down at his arms. His face turned bright red as he made the realization that he was still holding onto me. He quickly let go, turning away.

      "Chuuya, I'm hurt! Am I so gross to you that you have to let go?"

"Wha- shut up!"

       "Anyway... ready to head back? Atsushi and Akutagawa have probably killed each other by now." I began to head back towards shore without an answer, allowing him to follow at his discretion. Of course, he decided to follow with a scoff.

      "Hmm? What are you angry about now?" I asked when he let out a quiet growl.

      "Damn sea plant on my foot." I chuckled as he splashed around in the water, kicking his feet. Eventually he reached down and grabbed onto the plant, throwing it as hard as he could towards the horizon. I shielded my eyes from the sun and watched it splash in the distance.

      I whistled at the powerful throw before turning back. "A plant can infuriate the mighty Chuuya so much?"

      He rolled his eyes at my sarcastic tone, setting off towards the shore again. "Second only to you."

      "Aww, I'm flattered!"

     "It wasn't a fucking compliment."

      I shrugged and kept following him, watching the shore getting closer and closer. I squinted as I scanned the shore for Atsushi and Akutagawa, interested to see what they were up to. My eyes landed on Atsushi digging in the sand, with Akutagawa looking on blankly.

      I pointed them out to Chuuya. "They're over there."

He stopped suddenly, staring at the two. Akutagawa had crawled over to help with the hole. Heads together, they were digging out clumps of sand quickly.

"Dazai." He turned towards me, those pretty blue eyes glaring into mine.

"Chuuya," I responded, waiting for what he would say next as his glare hardened.

"I have a feeling you already know, but I know what you're trying to do, you sneaky bastard."

I tilted my head, shooting him an innocent look. "Do you now?"

"Yes!" he hissed, glancing sharply back at Atsushi and Akutagawa. "And it might be working for them but I'm not going to fall for your damn tricks."

"They aren't tricks," I told him, reaching out for his hand underwater.

"They're always tricks with you!" Chuuya whipped back around, and quickly stomped back towards shore. I just watched him.

He doesn't want me to know. He doesn't want me to hear the cracking in his voice or see the tears welling in his eyes. But I knew it anyway, I knew him. I knew exactly how his voice broke when he was truly hurt and angry and exactly how his cerulean eyes shone with tears.

I felt a tear slip down my own face. Then another. More and more until I let out a sob, my awareness of the waves hitting my waist dulling.

I hate this.


this is completely unrelated but i finished my first play through of omori and now im obsessed with it istg

this is completely unrelated but i finished my first play through of omori and now im obsessed with it istg

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