18. Atsushi

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      I watched another ocean wave slam into Chuuya, while Dazai was almost doubled over laughing.

      "Is it just me or are they more aggressive today?" I asked, glancing over at Akutagawa.

      "Who knows... just let them be idiots. We can set up our spot while they drown."

      "Meh, fine by me." I grabbed onto one side of the blanket and began to pull the wrinkles out, while he set the bag down on one corner. He grabbed the sunscreen and sprayed it onto his arms. I coughed when the mist blew over and my mouth was filled with the bitter taste. As I choked, I began to laugh as a funny idea came to me.

      "What's funny?" I looked up as he stopped spraying the sunscreen.

      "Oh, just- pff-" he stared at me blankly as I let out another giggle. "Somehow my head got the image of you with a tan."

      "Oh..." he went silent, presumably to think about what I said. "Do I look bad with a tan?"

      "Oh, no! That's not what I meant. It's just funny because you're kinda pale, it gives you that vampire look." I smiled at him as I said, "You look super cool either way!"

      I froze as I saw his face go red. Did the sun get to his face already? No, that's stupid, was it something I said?

      You look super cool either way! I recalled, feeling my own face begin to warm. "Oh, ah- I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that! I mean what I said wasn't a lie but..."

      "I know what you mean. Don't worry about it." He looked back to where Dazai and Chuuya were fighting in the water. Dazai finally slipped and went under when Chuuya grabbed onto the brunette's legs as he was tossed back by another wave.

      "That does look kinda fun," I admitted, looking back at Akutagawa. "Hey, think you could pull me under like that?"

      "On my worst day I could."

      "We'll see!" I motioned for him to follow as I sprinted towards the ocean, yelling, "No abilities!"

      I felt the vibration of his feet hot on my heels as he raced after me. But he was still behind me by a hair. I picked up the pace, trying to shake him off as we rapidly approached the ocean.

      I glanced behind me for a moment, seeing he was about to overtake me. I made a desperate leap for the ocean and my hand skidded into the water, the rest of my body following suit.

      "I did it!" I proclaimed triumphantly, hearing Akutagawa scoff.

      "Next time you won't be so lucky," he said, sneering slightly at me. I laughed as I stood and walked farther into the waves.

      "Try to pull me down!" I stood in front of the waves with Akutagawa behind me. The wave slammed into my knees and soon after I felt Akutagawa roughly grab onto my ankles, tugging me off balance as I fell face-first into the water.

I was thrown back towards shore by the wave until I hit the ground, digging my fingers into the sand as the water receded, tugging me backwards. I looked over to see Akutagawa doing the same.

"That was fun! Oh, can I try it on you?" I stood up and looked back out towards the waves.

"You can try," he said teasingly, standing up as well.

"Oh, it's on!" He glanced back at me before running into the waves. I followed as quickly as I could, but with the head start he got it was hard to catch up.

When the waves had receded for a moment I got down to wait for the next one. I watched it race towards us until I was lifted by the water. I gave Akutagawa's legs a sharp tug, and felt him fighting for balance until he fell into the wave, and we were thrown back towards shore together.

Once I hit the ground I gripped onto the sand once more, moving to sit. I watched Akutagawa in a slight struggle while I enjoyed the tugging feeling before the next wave rolled in.

Eventually Akutagawa managed to crawl over and sit beside me. "Ugh, that water tastes disgusting."

"I sure don't envy the fish," I responded, laughing at the scowl on his face as he tried to wipe some of the water with his hand. "Let's go dry your face at the towel then, sound good?"

"Uegh..." he stuck his tongue out, his eyes narrowed. "Please."

I stood up with a smile, holding my hand out to help him up. His wide, surprised eyes locked with mine. Then they softened. I felt my face warm up as I realized this was a new side of Akutagawa I had never seen before. A soft, secure side that I had a strange feeling he didn't show to just anyone. Because this was his gentle side, his warm side, and his vulnerable side.

He looked away, and I noticed how red his ears had turned. Then he put his hand out and gripped onto my outstretched hand, allowing me to pull him up.

When we began to walk to the beach we let go. But I felt like the warmth of his hand was still there, walking in the comfortable silence.


the children are bonding :D

also im slipping behind on writing a bit, so updates will start to get more inconsistent lol. it's hard for me to do things consistently but i like working on this book so ill keep at it

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