21. Atsushi

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      I looked back up at the ocean, sighing at the relief of taking a break from leaning over the hole in the sand. "Chuuya and Dazai are heading back."

      "It's a miracle they haven't drowned." Akutagawa grunted as he reached forward, digging out another handful of sand.

      "Especially Dazai..." I readjusted myself and began to scoop out more sand with him. I found it nice to just sit with Akutagawa, digging out in the sand with a spark of wonder about what we may find. Maybe this is what being a child is like. To go on small, idiotic adventures with a friend. For something so small to be important, instead of something so overwhelming

Maybe Akutagawa feels the same way, I thought with a shrug, tossing a handful of sand to the side. I realized I hardly knew anything about him. But then again, he didn't know me either.

That doesn't matter right now. I pushed the deeper thoughts away and only began to shovel faster.

Soon enough Chuuya stomped by us, and I flinched to look up at him.

"Chuuya," Akutagawa called out. "You missed us."

The ginger had turned around, a scowl on his face. "What?"

"Do you want to help dig the sand hole?" I asked, pointing down at it. He just glared over at me. I stiffened, waiting for him to yell or spout swear words at me.

But none of that happened. Chuuya sighed, his glare calming. It wasn't softer, it was just blank, and dull. "Yeah... whatever."

I blinked in surprise, glancing over at Akutagawa. He didn't seem surprised at all. Maybe Chuuya does have a calm side.

"So we're just digging a huge hole like idiots?"

"Yep! Come on Chuuya, get digging!" I nodded at him, flashing a bright smile before I got back to digging. A few grumbles came from the ginger, but he said nothing more and began to slowly dig.

With three people now, our pace quickened and we managed to make the hole big enough to sit in. I sat inside as the digging had been paused.

"Wait, so where's Dazai?" I asked suddenly, realizing Dazai had never come back.

"Tch, that bandaged freak?" Chuuya's subdued demeanor left him. "Hell if I know!"

"Wasn't he with you, though?"

"Just mind your own fucking business, okay?" he snapped, turning his head to the ocean. Presumably to ignore whatever I'd say.

I felt Akutagawa lean over to my ear, before whispering, "Dazai must be a sore subject right now."

"They were fine earlier..."

      He shrugged, his expression nonchalant as he looked back at the hole in the sand. "Should we just fill it in and go?"

      "Yeah, sure."


I stepped out of the bathroom as I finished changing. I grabbed hold of the towel and began to dry my hair, relieved that the sticky saltwater feeling had been washed away.

Outside the sun was sinking below the horizon, the beach beginning to clear of people to transition to the quiet night. I looked out of the glass balcony doors as I wrapped the towel back around my neck and went to sit on my bed. In the other, Akutagawa was sitting with his eyes closed as Rashoumon combed his hair out for him.

His ability sure is useful... I thought, looking at my hands. Not like mine isn't. But it's great how versatile his ability is...

      "Hey, I have to admit..." I began reluctantly, making Akutagawa open his eyes and look over. "I may be a bit, um..."


      I froze for a moment, deciding instead to look away. "Nevermind."

      After a pause, Akutagawa spoke again. "Oh, is it about my ability?"

"Just- nevermind. So... do you know what's up with Chuuya and Dazai?"

"No one knows except for them."

      "True... Well, I'm going to sleep now. Good night."

      "Alright." I nodded in response, turning to settle into my bed. Soon there was a click as the lights shut off into darkness. I let out a comfortable sigh before I slipped into sleep.


im starting school again soon, so the updates will probably begin to slow a little bit more, but i will still be writing because i really do love it and i will make the time somehow

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