12. Dazai

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I watched Akutagawa break down in laughter. "Do you, Dazai?"

"Of course it doesn't. Don't make me laugh."

"So why, Dazai?"

"Why would you do those things to me?" His voice came out raised, and I felt Chuuya flinch awake.

"Akutagawa? Dazai? What the hell is going on?"

"Chuuya," I touched his hand and gently pushed him away. "Go take a walk, alright?"

"Uh... o-" he was cut off by Akutagawa standing in his way. "-kay...?"

"Chuuya can stay, Dazai. Maybe he should hear this."

I put my hands up, with a slight sigh. "Fine by me."

"This shit better be important, Akutagawa."

"You don't need to worry. But don't change the subject, Dazai, why?"

"It's simple," I said, staring coolly back into his glare. "The Mafia is a dark place. You either join already hardened or it will be done for you."

"How did you do it with no emotion? And now you show you feel for Atsushi but not me? How is that moron jinko any better than me?" Akutagawa's voice broke. Tears started to stream down his face just as suddenly as his outburst had begun. They flooded his eyes, like the floodgates of a dam opening up so that everything inside came rushing out. So beautifully dangerous, holding lethal power, festering with rage. The anger in his eyes, the pain in his voice reminiscent of a strong, cascading wave ready to crash to shore.

I smiled. I had never minded danger. "Akutagawa. I don't favor Atsushi. I was just his mentor in a world of light rather than darkness. You are equals. Chuuya, you know what Mori said?" I looked at him meaningfully. "Only a...."

      "...diamond can polish a diamond. I remember, of course." He narrowed his eyes at me, and I knew he figured out that I was planning something deeper. As always.


     "Listen," I cut him off. "I want you to know I didn't enjoy doing that to you. And also that getting along with Atsushi is important for both of you to grow stronger."

      He glared into my eyes. His fury seemed to calm when he found genuine emotion there. He wiped his eyes, then turned to their door.

      "I'll be going now," he said, his composure fully regained. I waved at his back as he silently stalked out. The door slammed behind him.

      Chuuya immediately turned on me. "Alright, you damn shitty bastard, what are you planning?"

       "I can't tell you quite yet, Chuu! That'll come later. You'll just have to trust me for now. Do you not?"

      "Of course not!"

"Chuuyaa, why?" I whined. "I'm very trustworthy!"

"Tch, whatever..." We went silent for a moment. My gaze travelled over to his face. His eyes suddenly widened, like something had finally dawned on him. "Wait, wait!"

      "Made a realization, chibi?"

      "So Akutagawa saw me sleeping on you?"

      "Yep, clear as day."

       "Then why the hell did you let him come in, do you have fucking bandages for brains?"

      "Hey, I had no idea it was him!" Of course, that was a lie. But Chuuya didn't need to know that yet.

      Of course, being Chuuya, he knew anyway. "Yeah right! Ugh, shitty liar."


      I let out a heavy sigh as my phone rang. "Be back Chuuya, I need to take this."

      "Huh? A business call on vacation? Tch..." I left Chuuya grumbling as I stepped into the bathroom, shutting the door. I pressed the answer button on my phone.

      "Heyy president," I said lazily as I brought the phone up to my ear.

      "Good evening, Dazai. I'll get to the point. I trust everything is going to plan?"

      I felt a grin grow on my face. "Of course. Akutagawa and Atsushi are working it out between themselves... ah, as we speak, I'd expect."

      "And as for Mr. Nakahara?"

      "All in good time, Mr. Fukuzawa."

      "Dazai, make sure you don't dawdle. This may well be the one chance we get."

      "You worry too much!" I scoffed, waving my hand. "I'll do it eventually. Bye prez~"

      "Da-" Click. I sighed as I tucked my phone back into my pocket. What a pain.

      But it will all be worth it, I thought, a grin growing on my face, ...to have my Chuuya with me again.


hey everyone!

i wanted to stop and say a quick thank you to everyone who's been interacting with and/or reading this, i really do appreciate it! it feels good to know that people can enjoy my work enough to spend time reading it.

remember to drink some water and touch some grass and take care!

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