16. Akutagawa

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The next morning was a free day with nothing specific planned. Atsushi and I got ready to get breakfast before leaving for the beach.

As we walked out together, we caught sight of Dazai and Chuuya standing in front of the elevators, bickering as usual. Stepping closer, we managed to hear part of the argument.

"Are you stupid? If I was a dog I would not be a chihuahua!"

"I didn't draw you as a chihuahua! It was a breed I made up!"

"You made up a whole breed? What did you call it?" I sighed. Chuuya was basically asking for whatever Dazai said next.

"Why, a chibi teacup dog of course! A chihuahua is far too big." Chuuya grabbed onto Dazai's collar and began to shake the taller man, who let himself be shaken around. I suddenly remembered what Dazai had confessed about their relationship, and found it hard to believe.

"They're really going at it today, huh..." Atsushi said awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck. "Should we go in and hide before Dazai spots us and makes us join them?"

"Yes, let's-"

"Hey Atsushi, Akutagawa!"

"Nevermind..." Atsushi followed me over to the two, who had seemed to make up now, other than the seething ginger who kept throwing glares.

"Good morning~ what are you two up to today?"

"Good morning Dazai! We were going to get some food and then go to the beach." I nodded at what Atsushi had said when he turned his eyes to me.

"Great, us too! Let's stick together today then, hm?"

"Good with me!"

"Hm... okay."

We waited a few seconds more until the elevator door finally opened, and we went down together. Dazai went ahead to get us a table as Chuuya hung back.

"You two know enough English to order, right?"

We both nodded, and I spoke up. "I don't know why we didn't just find a vacation spot in Japan. It'd be much easier."

"Hell if I know. I suppose the agency just wants to be saddled with more travel fees."

"President Fukuzawa says he thinks it's an enriching experience to go to another country. One which we don't get many opportunities to do."

"If you say so, I guess..." Chuuya glanced over to Dazai as he came back.

"Come on, we're getting a seat now." I followed Dazai to the table he had gotten for us. "Isn't this seat amazing? We get to see the fishies!"

My eyes landed on Atsushi as I heard him laugh, and I watched him stare over at the fish enthusiastically. "Wow, Dazai! The fish are so cool!"

Chuuya scoffed as he sat down, yet I could see his eyes begrudgingly travelling to the fish tank every few seconds. "I know!" Dazai plopped down next to Chuuya. I took the seat closer to the wall so that Atsushi could enjoy the view of the fish.

"Atsushi, do you like eating fish too?"

"Huh?" He looked over at me, a bit taken aback by thr question. Then he smiled. "Oh, yeah! Shrimp is good too. But then again I'll eat just about anything..."

"Like a cat?" I blurted, blinking as I realized what I said and his face turned red.

"I- I'm not a cat, I'm a tiger!"

"I know. I'm sorry, it just slipped."

"You know Atsushi, a tiger is a type of big cat," Dazai pointed out, grinning at him.

"Dazai?!" I failed to stifle a snort at his reaction. I instantly covered my mouth and tried to cover it up with a loud cough as they all looked over at me. I felt my ears warm up.

"Did Akutagawa just laugh?" Chuuya asked, raising an eyebrow. Dazai broke into roaring laughter, so loud I knew he must be doing it on purpose.

"I didn't know Akutagawa could laugh," Atsushi admitted.

"It came from another table," I insisted, trying to keep my voice flat. I lowered my hand from my mouth, covering my full now red face to hide it.

"Come on Akutagawa!" Atsushi pulled my hands away from my face, and I glanced away from his bright smile as hr held on. "It's nothing to be embarrassed about, you have a nice laugh."

My face began to burn. I glanced over to Dazai and Chuuya, who were giving each other a meaningful glance.

What was that supposed to mean?



i felt like this chapter was a little boring. if you're interested in genshin, i posted the first part of a genshin one shot/short story book

if not, ive decided to include an early preview to an upcoming soukoku book! i am still figuring out details and everything, but here is a preview of what you'll be getting:

"Chuuya wasted no time and dove into the conflict, only encouraged by the shouts of prisoner and guard alike. He was immediately faced by the cold brown eyes of the familiar prisoner. He lunged at the brunette, who held his sword up to block Chuuya's lunge. Chuuya let out a chuckle as they clashed together, watching the prisoner's hands begin to shake, the only presence stopping the sword from hitting him in the face was his own. Only his poorly wielded sword between himself and capture.

"Hey there, Dazai," Chuuya growled as he pressed his sword harder onto Dazai's. In a flash, his bandaged hand was holding onto his sword, pressing it up just to keep himself safe. Chuuya watched the brunette cringe as the edges of his sword dug inside his flesh, blood dripping down to the floor. Everyone was quiet now. All the prince could hear was the occasional drip of Dazai's blood hitting the ground.

Drip... drip... drip."

that'll be all for now! have a great day

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