The Public is Suddenly Cupid

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Isabella's pov:

I was walking into this villa with the support of my family and friends so I wasn't as nervous as I probably should have been. I realized as I was in the jeep heading to the villa that there was absolutely no turning back, not that I wanted to. I had no choice now but to give in and enjoy my summer locked in a villa with other people which would probably end up including backstabbing, jealousy, and hopefully love.

I had never done something of this caliber before, so it was so out of my comfort zone that it wasn't even funny but I wanted to find love and I had watched two of my friends on here so I knew sort of what to expect. I had on a brown strappy bikini that definitely showed off quite a bit which I was fine with considering the fact that I was confident in my own body.

I arrived around the same time as another girl and got out of the car to greet her, she was absolutely stunning

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I arrived around the same time as another girl and got out of the car to greet her, she was absolutely stunning. I looked at her before saying "hey there, I'm Isabella"

"Isabella, that's a beautiful name. I'm Indiyah." She introduced in response, as she was took my hand before we made our way into the garden. "This place is absolutely amazing."

I nodded "I can't believe that I'm here and that we get to spend 8 weeks in this place."

"Me neither. But come on I need something to get my courage up." I smiled as I saw what she had spotted which was some champagne in ice. We made our way over to the table and filled our glasses before heading over to the fire pit and sat down on the sofa.

"I feel nervous," I spoke as she nodded "I'm just worried that I'm not going to find any of these guys attractive or get a connection with anyone."

She shook her head almost instantly "I wouldn't worry babe, you are definitely a looker, all of the guys will be fighting over you." I nodded before she continued "what are you looking for in a man anyway?"

"Tall, tattoos as I have quite a few, handsome, someone who's not afraid to stand up for themselves, and someone who is honest with me. What about you?"

"Tall, handsome, fresh trim" As Indiyah finished that response another girl walked in through the garden to us. She was another absolute bombshell, blonde, petite and I could tell that we would get on well.

"Hi girly." I spoke as I got up to pull her in for a hug. "I'm Isabella."

"I'm Tasha," She spoke as she moved to give Indiyah a hug before moving to sit next to us on the couch.

I spoke "so what's your dating life been like?"

She scoffed "so shit. I just haven't found a click with someone."

"Well that's why we're all here."

Indiyah spoke next "have you been in relationships before?"

"Yeah, so I've been in 2 relationships, I'm a very affectionate person and that wasn't reciprocated. I want someone that's not afraid to be like 'this is my girl' you know all touchy and feely." Tasha spoke and I admired that she was telling the truth.

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