Remi and Jay

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Isabella's pov:

We were all still stunned at seeing the new boys who we now knew as Remi and Jay. I could tell from the first look that neither of those boys were my type but I could also tell that Luca was nervous like most of the boys.

We learned the Jay was 28 and Remi was 22 before Gemma asked "so what do you usually go for?"

Remi spoke first "uh tall, juicy lips and a big bunda." I was almost immediately put off by him.

Jay then said "for me it's more about personality, I guess. Like, someone that makes me laugh. I really want someone who's fun."

Ekin then said "so I'm coupled up with Davide but he's not really putting any effort in."

Remi nodded "so he's all muscles and no chat." Me and Gemma just looked at each other before I shook my head and Gemma nodded.

Ekin then asked "so is there any competition with the other boys in here?"

"I'm not here to make friends." Jay spoke "I'm not here for seasonal boyfriends." We all laughed kind of awkwardly at that as the boys came over to join us.


Luca's pov:

All of us boys headed over to join them as I sat next to Isabella who smiled at me. Jacques then asked "what do you do then Jay?"

Jay replied " I work in finance as an investment analyst. What do you do?"

"I play rugby," Jacques replied.

"You're a bit small for a rugby player, no?" I saw Gemma and Isabella's eyes widen at that.

"Oh, really?" Jacques responded leaning forward. "If you properly run at me, I'll flatten you, lad." We all laughed at that because he was probably right. We headed off with the boys as the girls sat there and talked.


Isabella's pov:

We watched as Remi and Jay headed off with the boys before Amber asked who we were into out of the two and most of us said Jay. Ekin spoke then "no one's official in here, no one's married not even Isabella. It's been a week. We can all get to know them."

Ok, what the hell Ekin, why the hell would she make the pointed comment about me not being married. Hello, I know that I'm not married to Luca, I'm just not attracted to them plus why do you care?"

I caught Gemma's eye who looked confused as well before we all got up and headed to the small fire pit where Luca was standing then Jay came over and pulled Tasha while Remi pulled Indiyah. The rest of us then headed to the kitchen before Jay pulled Ekin for a chat.

They were like speed dating to be honest I mean they were now pulling Paige and Amber. I was then pulled into the alcove by Jacques as we were just talking before Luca walked past us and headed to the small fire pit with Tasha and Davide.


Luca's pov:

I was sitting in the small fire pit with Davide and Tasha as I saw Isabella talking with Jacques in the alcove. I knew that there was nothing there anymore with them but it was still weird made even weirder by the fact that I get along with Jacques as well.

I mean this is just a weird situation like I trust Isabella and I trust Jacques but at the same time I don't want to get hurt.

We all headed to bed and I smiled as Isabella got into bed with me after talking to Gemma. I looked at her after the lights went out before she said "you know you don't have to worry me and Jacques are just friends."

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