Hearts Racing

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Luca's pov:

The lights turned on in the morning and I felt Isa cuddle closer into me hiding her face from the light making me smile as I wrapped my arms tight around her. I was still reeling a bit from yesterday so as the girls all headed upstairs to the terrace I headed to the day bed with Jacques, Andrew, and Dami.

Andrew came and joined us before saying "so basically Tasha said that she wants to tunnel vision on me. She's like happy with us and wants to see where it goes."

Dami then asked "wait are you tunnel vision as well?" Gesturing to Andrew who nodded. He then turned to me "how are you feeling Luca?"

"I feel good," I spoke. "I mean me and her talked last night and sort of decided that we're taking it day by day but are really happy with each other." I could see Jacques and Andrew smile at that making me smile.

Andrew and Dami then got up as me and Jacques spread out on the day bed before I looked at him "do you reckon when you come in here, do you reckon you could have got Isa?"

Jacques turned to look at me stunned at the question before saying "absolutely not. We went there once and it wouldn't work on the outside."

I nodded "why? What about how she treats you?"

"How she treated me?" he spoke. "I mean she was lovely to me and I don't really have a bad thing to say about her. It's just towards the end of our relationship I started going out a lot and partying which caused me to lie to her and made her not trust me as much."

I understood that they were just growing apart and as a result didn't trust each other as much as they did which I think can happen in relationships. I appreciate Jacques being honest with me about her, it's just reassuring.

I saw Isa come down in her bikini for the day before I got up and pulled her for a chat as we headed to the small fire pit together

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I saw Isa come down in her bikini for the day before I got up and pulled her for a chat as we headed to the small fire pit together. We sat down on the couch with her legs on mine as she laid in the corner. I looked at her "ok, I want to be honest with you." She nodded "I spoke to Jacques about your past relationship. He said that towards the end of the relationship he couldn't be himself with you and that you didn't trust him."

She sighed "that's true. Mainly because he would go out to parties late at night and some of my friends would see him out and hanging around other girls. I don't care for party boys or being yourself as long as I can trust you and towards the end, he just wasn't honest and I couldn't trust him."

I nodded because that did line up with what Jacques had said. I leaned in to hug her and almost lay on her as she wrapped her arms around me. "Here's another question, when we get on the outside, what are you most excited for us to do?"

She sighed and thought for a second before saying "probably go on a date or spend time in each others world." I smiled at that before I kissed her.

I'm glad that everything she said seems to align with what Jacques has told me. It sounds like Jacques is a party boy and she's not into that so it caused some problems later in the relationship after he was seen with some girls.

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