Final Dates Part 2

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Luca's pov:

We woke up the next morning and Isa was still attached to me and refused to move. I reached over and grabbed her sunglasses before placing them on her eyes and letting her lay on me. We then heard a phone go off and I realized that it was Gemma's. "Gemma and Jacques, it's time for your final date. Please get ready to leave the villa. #RosesAreRed #KardashianVibes"

All of the girls started screaming before all of the girls helped Gemma get ready for her date. I stood with the guys helping Jacques get ready as Gemma came down in a black dress with a jacket on top. We watched them leave before the girls all headed to the terrace and the guys headed to the sun deck.

I'm so excited for Gemma as I know how much she loves roses which makes me smile as she gets to have her favorite things.

I smiled as all of the girls came down to the kitchen before Gemma and Jacques came back and were a hundred percent buzzing

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I smiled as all of the girls came down to the kitchen before Gemma and Jacques came back and were a hundred percent buzzing. Jacques told us that they told each other that they loved each other which made me smile and cheer.

I mean Jacques is one of my best friends in here so to see him so happy after his date makes me happy.

I was brought out of my thoughts by Isabella getting a text "Isabella and Luca, it's time for your final date. Please get ready to leave the villa. #PullOnTheHeartStrings #GoodThingsComeToThoseWhoWait"

I smiled as all of the girls headed upstairs and I headed to the bedroom to figure out what I want to wear. I headed to the door and smiled as Isabella came down the stairs to the girls cheering as she looked absolutely amazing.

I grabbed her hand as we both headed out to our date hearing the cheers of all of the others

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I grabbed her hand as we both headed out to our date hearing the cheers of all of the others. We arrived at a nice lunch date where we were serenaded before I popped the champagne.


Isabella's pov:

It was so far a really nice date and Luca looked at me as I drank my champagne "how do you feel being here?"

I looked at him "I feel absolutely amazing like no joke." He smiled before I spoke again "I mean this is quite possibly one of the best dates that I've ever been on if not the best."

He chuckled "yeah, it's unbelievable." I smiled and stared at him as he asked "what's been your best thing, like, obviously coming on Love Island?"

"Finding you." He smiled as I answered that with absolutely zero hesitation making both of us smile. "i mean when I walked in here, I never expected to find someone like you but it happened." He smiled before I asked "what about you?"

"Meeting you." I smiled at that before he continued "no, seriously. I mean I have never ever in a million years felt the way that you make me feel which I love about you. You're seriously my best friend and everything to me." I smiled even more before he pulled me closer and kissed me.

We came back into the villa and all of the girls immediately pulled me to the dressing room to talk. I looked at them "it was like a castle and there was a strip of water with a floating table in the middle with floating petals in the water." They all gasped and awwed at that which made me smile "there was like a live band and all of that."

We all then moved to get ready for the night before we headed outside to toast.

All of us girls headed to the snug bit and the guys headed to the small fire place as we continued to talk about all of our dates

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All of us girls headed to the snug bit and the guys headed to the small fire place as we continued to talk about all of our dates. Indiyah then got a text "islanders, tonight each couple must vote for the two couples they think are least compatible. Those who receive the most votes are at risk of being dumped from the island. You must now discuss in your couples who you are going to choose and then submit your decision by text. You must not discuss your decision with anyone else. #ThinkItThrough #NotFriendIsland"

We all gasped before all of us girls got up and me and Luca headed for the fire pit before I spoke "alright we just need to go through all of them."

Luca nodded before saying "Gemma and Jacques?"

"No," I shook my head "there is no way in absolute hell that they are not compatible." He nodded agreeing with me before I said "Indiyah and Dami?"

Luca sighed "I just don't know about them, I mean they have had some problems with the whole casa thing and how Dami was with Summer in Casa just doesn't sit right with me."

I sighed "I agree." He looked at me "I mean it's never fun but you are right especially with how he acted in Casa."

He nodded "Ekin and Davide?"

I shook my head "No way, they are strong and they are 50-50 in just about everything." He nodded again before I spoke "finally, Danica and Adam?"

"I don't think they are," Luca looked at them. "I think that with how Adam acts on the outside and what Danica wants they just don't match."

I nodded before saying "Ok then, let's text it in." I got out my phone before saying out loud as I was texting "Indiyah and Dami, Danica and Adam." He nodded in agreement as I sent it in feeling awful. Luca hugged me in comfort as we are all really close friends.

I feel so bad for voting for all my friends but it's honestly not a nice decision either way. I mean they are all our friends.

Luca: I know this is making Isa get anxiety given the fact that she is voting out her friends but it has to happen.

Next Time:

Families show up

Voting Results

Voting Results:

Ekin and Davide: 2 votes

Jacques and Gemma: 1 votes

Isabella and Luca: 0 votes

Adam and Danica: 3 votes

Indiyah and Dami: 4 votes

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