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Luca's pov:

The boys were hanging out and getting ready when the girls came down for the night. I needed to talk to Isabella about her date with Jay but I would pull her tonight or tomorrow.

We all headed to the bar and I smiled as Isabella showed up dressed in a black dress with slits on the side.

I smiled when I saw her as we headed to the bar to grab our wine glasses and cheer

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I smiled when I saw her as we headed to the bar to grab our wine glasses and cheer. I watched as Isabella headed to the fire pit with Gemma and Tasha as Ekin came over to the sofas with me.

Ekin looked at me before asking "how do you think it's going between you two?"

I shrugged "I guess good. Why?"

"I was just wondering considering the fact that she is my friend and I am protective of her." Ekin spoke.

I nodded "thank you for protecting her but yeah, I think it's going good." She nodded before getting up and going over to Jay then heading upstairs with Jay following her.

I appreciate the fact that all of the girls seem protective of Isabella in here especially Gemma and Ekin who seem to be her nearest and dearest in here so far.

We all then headed to bed and I laid on Isabella's chest as she spoke with Gemma who was in the other bed. I cuddled closer to her and wrapped my arms around her. I moved my head to look at her "listen I told you that I like you and I would want to try on the outside."

"I like you too," Isabella sighed before snuggling closer into me.

We woke up the next morning and all of the guys headed outside to make various drinks including me who brought Isabella an iced coffee before heading to the day bed with the guys to talk. All of the girls came down after they had gotten dressed.

Isabella came down dressed in black and diamond bikini before sitting at the small fire pit with me

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Isabella came down dressed in black and diamond bikini before sitting at the small fire pit with me. She looked at me before saying "so first off, my date with Jay." I nodded as she continued "there was absolutely nothing there. Matter of fact I think that he is the most boring boy in the world like there was nothing to talk about."

I scoffed "Jay was boring?"

"Oh yeah," she confirmed. "He has the personality of wet mop. I just did not want to speak to him."

I breathed out a sigh of relief "that's good. Because I do like you and am starting to be able to see something with you on the outside."

"I like you as well" Isabella said as she leaned into me. "I think that I would want to try something on the outside as well." I smiled before pulling her closer and resting my head on hers.

I am happy that she didn't seem too impressed about Jay after the date with him and seemed to find him boring. I'm even happier about the fact that she's starting to see something on the outside as well.


Isabella's pov:

We all headed to get dressed for the night, Gemma was doing her makeup, and Amber was getting ready.

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I walked outside in a light pink mini dress matched with some light pink high heels that were probably about 5 or 6 inches

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I walked outside in a light pink mini dress matched with some light pink high heels that were probably about 5 or 6 inches. We all headed to the bar where we toasted for the night before we split off in groups or pairs.

I was sat with Luca on his lap and with the other guys on the bean bags by the pool. Luca wrapped his arm around me before we watch Ekin and Jay head up to the terrace again. Luca looked at us before saying "they've gone to the terrace haven't they?"

Everyone sort of nodded while I said "most likely."

Luca nodded "I bet they kiss."

"If they do and don't tell Davide I'm going to be upset" I spoke at that. "I love Ekin I do but that is the one thing I am very vocal about." All of the guys nodded as we went back to talking just trying to ignore the possibility of what is going on in the terrace.

Ekin came back down before asking "do you want to go for a chat? Gemma and Isabella?" We all nodded before I pecked Luca then got up and headed to the fire pit with the other girls.

Ekin spoke to us "you two are the only girls who deserve to know this right now, but I'm gonna say it." We nodded "so, over the past two days, two nights...I've been meeting up with Jay on the terrace and getting quite close with him. I was just with him earlier and we kissed."

Me and Gemma both gasped before Gemma asked "how was it? Butterflies?"

"It was the best kiss ever," Ekin spoke as we both squealed quietly "I kissed him today and I kissed him yesterday."

I was happy for her before I said "I hate to be the bearer of bad news Ekin but you need to tell Davide before he finds out from someone else and it all blows up." Gemma nodded at that before getting up while I stayed with Ekin.

We stayed talking before Davide headed over to us and asked to talk to Ekin. I nodded "alright, I'll go back over there" they nodded as I got up and Davide sat down next to Ekin taking my place.

Yeah, I'm not sure that conversation is going to go particularly well especially since Ekin and Jay have already kissed twice on two separate days on the terrace.

I watched from my spot as Ekin stormed off and headed to the sofas with all of us girls following her as Davide headed to the guys on the day bed.

Next Time:

Ekin vs Davide

Arguments Galore

plus the Sex-Sea challenge brings some surprises

A/N: So, now that we know the girls are going to casa and have met the guys coming in who's head do you think will turn? And as for this book who's head do you want to turn and who's do you want to stay?

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