The Ultimate Playboy

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Isabella's pov: 

We all were sat there on the couch at the fire pit while Jay and Chyna & Dami and Summer were standing there just reeling from the announcement and waiting for the next text. I jumped when I heard my phone go off before picking it up and reading "which couple is saved and which couple is dumped will be decided by your fellow islanders. Jay and Chyna & Dami and Summer, please make your way to the sun deck while your fellow islanders deliberate." 

We all groaned as they walked to the sun deck and we started to talk about how we felt and the pros and cons which sucked especially for Summer and Chyna as they both came in at the same time. I ended up standing up to speak with Luca playing with my hand that was held in his giving me some comfort. "So, it's sucked making this decision and it's never the best feeling having to send a couple home. I think we feel particularly bad for you girls because you've not had long to explore connections so it's not a nice situation. But, the couple that we've decided to save is... Dami and Summer." 

I felt awful about saying it out loud before we all headed to hug Jay and Chyna apologizing for sending them home. We all helped them pack up before heading to the door to say goodbye and saw them out. We all then headed to bed and I cuddled into Luca before he kissed me and then deepened it as we made out for a good five minutes while he ran his hand up and down my arms. 

We all woke up the next morning and all of us girls headed to the fire pit while all of the guys were on the sun deck. Billy then got a text "boys it's time for some R&R. Please get ready to leave the villa. #whenindoubtzenitout" 

They all started cheering while all of the girls looked at each other confused before they left and we all headed upstairs to get dressed for the day. 

I got dressed in a bright red bikini before sitting on the day bed with Ekin, Gem, and Summer

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I got dressed in a bright red bikini before sitting on the day bed with Ekin, Gem, and Summer. Gem got a text before reading "hi girls, I heard you're alone in the villa. I'm on my way. See you soon Adam x."

 We all cheered before heading back outside and gasping when Adam came in. I grabbed Ekin as we walked to say hi "it's fucking Adam Collard. Fuck off." Ekin laughed as we all hugged Adam before heading to the fire pit. 

We're all expecting a new guy but the last thing that I was expecting was Adam fucking Collard to walk in. Like what the fuck.

I looked at Adam before saying "so who are you interested in?" 

He looked at me before saying "you obviously. As for others Danica, Gemma, and Ekin." We all side eyed each other meanwhile I was just praying for Danica to find someone. 

I saw Adam pull Danica for a chat on the sun deck as I was laying on the day bed with Ekin before pointing them out to Ekin and Gem. "I hope to god that Adam is interested in her especially considering the fact that she's not had the best of times in here." Ekin and Gem both nodded before we went back to watching. 

I watched as Adam pulled Ekin and then Tasha before coming over to me and pulling me for a chat. We headed to the mini fire pit before Adam spoke "so how are things with you. I mean you're probably the strongest one right now." 

I nodded "I know, it feels like after casa everyone just sort of imploded." He chuckled "no but when you walked in here I was stunned. The last person that I expected was Adam bloody Collard." 

He chuckled "so, how are you and Luca." 

I sighed "we're good. I mean we survived Casa and have just grown closer and closer after saying that we are 100% towards each other." 

He nodded "yeah, I mean I wouldn't even try it if you were boyfriend and girlfriend." I nodded "I mean I am definitely interested in you so I would definitely like to chat with you a bit more."

 I nodded at that before saying "so who's your type so far?" 

He looked at me "well, I'm still an open book but right now. You, Gem, and Danica." He finished that just as we heard the boys walk in and look completely stunned once they noticed Adam. 

Next Time: 

Adam causes problems 

plus girls heads get turned

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