Talent Show

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Isabella's pov: 

After we had said goodbye to them and headed back outside before we split up as everyone started talking about the vote and who the public thought had a good connection. 

I move to the bean bags with Luca who had a hand on my leg "were you sweating when we were the last ones." 

"No," I shook my head as I answered. "Because even if we had gone home, I wouldn't particularly care because it doesn't matter what they think. It matters what we think and feel." He nodded before kissing me making me smile. 

I think that it wasn't in a particular order so we don't really know who was picked the most compatible. I'm just glad that I'm going into the final week with Luca. 

We all headed up to bed and as I talked to the girls in the dressing room after an exhausting and draining day. The girls and I all decided to do coffee and brunch tomorrow which made me smile as I had met all of these girls. 

I headed downstairs with the girls and laid in bed with Luca who immediately wrapped his arm around me and cuddled close making me smile. We all woke up to the blasting bright light as usual before Luca pulled me closer to him and laid on my chest as we talked all together. 

All of us girls then headed to the terrace together as the boys headed to the sun deck. Gem looked at us "isn't it weird that all four of the bombshells have left." 

I nodded "I know. Me and Luca were talking about it last night. I feel bad because they came in so late that they definitely didn't get enough time or have enough of a chance." 

"I know," Ekin looked at me. "It's just none of them could compare to the guys so they weren't chosen." I leaned back into Gem as the other girls agreed and started talking again. 

We walked downstairs and outside to the smell of bacon and eggs which made all of our mouths water

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We walked downstairs and outside to the smell of bacon and eggs which made all of our mouths water. The guys then had us sit down at the bar before they brought us our plates and coffees. Luca kissed me before all of the boys headed back to the kitchen.

We ate as I looked at Ekin, Danica, and Gemma "they did really well." 

Gem nodded "yeah, they did. I mean this is actually really good." Ekin and Danica nodded in agreement before we finished our food and took the plates to the kitchen. 

I then moved to the pool before Luca and Adam joined us girls talking about who's punching in which couples. Adam took a bite from his popsicle before saying "I think Ekin is punching with Davide." 

I honestly couldn't tell who was more shocked about that accusation me or Gem who just looked at me. We were all lounging about and continuing to talk before Indiyah told us that she had a text "islanders, it's time to take the stage as tonight you will preform at the love island talent show 2022. #ShowUsWhatYou'veGot #BigTalentEnergy" 

Everyone screamed but most of us were shitting it. I had a feeling, I knew what I was going to pull out of my ass. We all headed to get ready for the night as we talked about what our talent was going to be. 

We headed to the fire pit as the talents were starting, I sat next to Luca who smiled at me

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We headed to the fire pit as the talents were starting, I sat next to Luca who smiled at me. Danica was up first who was dancing which made everyone smile. Adam did a magic show, Ekin just stood up there and roasted everybody which wasn't much of a surprise. Gem can somehow rap, Indiyah played the recorder, Dami can also rap, Luca can somewhat sing. Then Tasha performed the cup song, Davide cooked which I should have expected, Andrew did an estate agent tour/roast, and Jacques played rugby which again I should have expected. 

This is some of the weirdest mixes of talents I think that I have ever seen and it's kind of funny. 

Then it was my turn. I walked up there before looking at the others before saying "ok this is my talent."


Luca's pov: 

After we all went it was time for Isa to go. We watched her walk up there and then lock her hands in front of her body before stepping through them and bringing them all the way up and over her head back in front of her. I looked at Andrew and some of the others who looked just as stunned as I was feeling. 

She then grabbed her left ankle before pulling it so that it ended up by her head and it was straight up which made a lot of us gasp before continuing to be stunned as she showed off her flexibility. She finally sat down before the talent show ended and we all sat on the fire pit couch to take a selfie of our last week here and all of us having fun. I pulled her closer as we all sat together and Adam stood up to take a selfie of us as we all smiled. 

Next Time: 

Another Dumping

Mile High Challenge

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