Antigoni and Charlie

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Isabella's pov: 

We woke up and Gemma came in with Jacques before telling us that it was just calm and just talking. We headed to the dressing room to get ready before Gemma then came running in telling us that there was a new girl. We all got ready to head down stairs meeting the new girl before we headed to the fire pit. Antigoni was 26 and was very much based on personality which I could agree with. 

I feel like they are just shoving new islanders at us, I mean Danica has barely been here 3 days. 

We all then got up before we all headed to the dressing room and then the terrace while the guys stayed in the kitchen making drinks for the girls. Antigoni looked at us before saying "what's everyone's situation?" 

Gemma went first "I'm coupled up with Jacques and we went to the hideaway last night." 

Danica then went "me and Davide have had a couple of conversations. We're getting along and we're just seeing where things go." 

Ekin went next "I was with Davide and it went fine but I just didn't feel anything. I went with my feelings and I went with Jay." 

Indiyah spoke "officially single, but I have been getting to know Dami because you know we just really get along." 

I went last "i'm with Luca and we're honestly just going day by day but right now I most definitely could not be happier with him." We all then got up and headed to get dressed in our bikinis for the day. 

I got dressed in a nude bathing suit that had a triangle in the strap but was also quite low waisted

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I got dressed in a nude bathing suit that had a triangle in the strap but was also quite low waisted. We all walked down together but I was chatting with  Ekin and Gemma who have become like my best friends in here. 

Me and Gemma have been close since day one and I think it's just our personalities that mesh really well. Gemma's the mature one and while I can be mature I am more just the petty and sassy one. We then added Ekin who is the oldest but honestly the most fiery. They have become my best friends in here and I couldn't ask for better friends. 

I walked down into the kitchen and was handed an iced coffee by Luca which made me smile as I pecked his lips. The guys headed to the sofas with Antigoni while the girls all headed to talk, more accurately I headed to the day beds with Ekin and Gemma. 

I laid in the middle of them before saying "as long as she stays away from Luca, I don't give a fuck."  

We all laughed at that before I said "no I'm kidding. I trust Luca and if he wants to get to know her, as long as both of them are honest with me I'm fine." 

Ekin and Gemma nodded before Gemma spoke "yeah, I mean it's not like she's you know mean or anything. I quite like her, it's just shit that it means one of the boys heads could be turned." 

Ekin chuckled "yeah, not to mention that she is interested in Jay of all people. I mean honestly that's just my luck." We all chuckled at that before continuing to chat while Antigoni was with the boys. 

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