Isabella's Ex?

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Isabella's pov:

We all separated after the re-coupling and headed off in our couples to talk about what happened. Luca pulled me for a chat and we headed to the snug bit's sofa to talk about what happened. We sat down and Luca looked at me before saying "you ok?"

I nodded "yeah, are you?"

He nodded "of course, I'm alright. I've had worse days but I finally got my girl back after she was stolen from me." We sat down with him putting an arm around my waist making me smile.

I laughed "I just want to get in bed and cuddle you again." He nodded as he leaned his head into my neck pulling me closer to him.

We kept talking as he held me close to him with my back into his chest. He then asked me "where's your favorite holiday?"

"Dubai and Greece" I spoke.

He nodded "Really, well I've got some ideas where I want to take you."

I looked at him then "Really, where?"

"Mykonos, Santorini, Madrid, we can do it all when we get out." He spoke making me smile.

"Already thinking of getting out," He chuckled as I smiled "I like the idea of traveling so I'd be willing to go anywhere as long as it's with you." He looked at me stunned for a minute before kissing me hard.

He pulled back and interlocked our hands while he still had his arms around me then said "did you hear what I said at the re-coupling? Do I still have to make you orange juice and iced coffee?"

"Yeah. Don't think that just because we have strong feelings for each other that you can stop grafting me."

He laughed at that before saying "don't worry I'll be grafting you until the end of Love Island and beyond that." I smiled at that before kissing him again feeling extremely happy.

Being back in his arms officially is everything I want and makes me so happy like the connection is just instant and I feel safe there like I can talk to him about anything.

Luca: Yeah, I'm so happy. Having her back and just continuing to talk about our feelings and being together is the best thing in the world. She makes me feel like I have a space where I can just be myself because she likes that about me.

We walked inside as Luca pulled me into his side kissing my head before I headed upstairs with the girls to get ready for bed. I took off my makeup, brushed my teeth before heading into the bedroom seeing all the guys on one bed cuddled up which made me burst out laughing before getting into my bed with Luca jumping in after me.

Luca pulled me close into his arms with both of us facing each other. He kissed me before I leaned my head into his neck making both of us smile before we fell asleep. I woke up the next morning with Luca having a death grip on me making me chuckle as everyone tried to avoid the lights. Luca moved so his arm was wrapped around my stomach and his head was on my chest making me smile as I leaned down to kiss his head.

Luca looked at me "how did you sleep last night?"

I smiled at him "I slept amazing, you?"

He nodded "yeah, same here now that I have you back in my bed and arms." I smiled as he pulled me so my head was back in his neck and his was resting on my cheek making me chuckle.

We were then distracted again by a text message sent to Gemma. "Afia and Gemma, you are both going on a date, please get ready to head out to the garden. Gemma you will date first #morningglory" we all cheered and clapped at that.


Luca's pov:

All of the girls and guys headed to the terrace to watch Gemma's date with the new guy when Isabella gasped "holy crap, that's my ex."

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