Couples Brunch and Hideaway

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Isabella's pov:

I woke up next to Luca who cuddled closer to me and kissed me on the neck before he pecked me as all the girls headed upstairs to get ready. We talked about the re-coupling and all the girls seemed happy generally. I got dressed in my bikini for the day which was a mismatched suit as the top was light pink and the bottoms were blue.

I then slipped on my flip flops before putting my hair up in a pony tail then headed outside with the girls before we gasped seeing the brunch tables

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I then slipped on my flip flops before putting my hair up in a pony tail then headed outside with the girls before we gasped seeing the brunch tables. Luca pulled my chair out for me before we grabbed our glasses and cheers. We then talked and Luca just made me laugh so hard as we talked.

Luca looked at me "are you happy?"

"Yeah," I nodded as I answered. "Are you?"

He nodded then said "this date is certainly better than my first date."

I chuckled "and mine Danica, Davide, and Jay."

He smiled before saying "let's talk about your speech last night. Honestly, it was a good speech like it was absolutely amazing. I'm just glad that we've got something very special going and that you see it as well."

"Yeah," I nodded. "I was so nervous about that speech just because I hate giving speeches." He chuckled as I spoke again "I also am not very open with my affections a lot but that's just me so it was definitely weird."

"I know, I feel I'm the more affectionate of us two" he spoke.

I nodded "yeah, you probably are but I like that, I like the affection I just don't show my feelings that often but like leaning against you or holding your hand is where I show my emotions."

He nodded "so how do you feel about us?"

"I feel good, you know? I don't feel like my head could be turned at this point because I don't want to get to know anyone else." I finished that sentence to see Luca break into a smile "obviously we've had people try to break us up but we just keep coming back together and I feel like we're at a point where we're the Tommy and Molly-Mae of this villa just because we have eyes for each other and that's it."

Luca nodded before saying "I don't think that my head could be turned either but I'm happy where I am now waking up next to you and I can't wait to do it on the outside." I smiled at that before he reached over with his right hand and grabbed mine making me smile.

I'm honestly so happy with him and I really don't think that I could be any happier than right now you know waking up in bed with him and on this date with him.

Luca: I honestly don't know how the hell I got this lucky or what the hell I did to deserve her but I'm not letting go of her. If I do that would be the biggest mistake of my life, I just find myself falling for her more and more.

He kissed me as our date ended then we headed upstairs to get ready for the night. I got dressed in my outfit which was definitely hot

 I got dressed in my outfit which was definitely hot

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