Shimmer and Shine

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Isabella's pov:

We were all hanging out and speaking in the kitchen together when Luca came up behind me and pulled me back into him "Luca knock it off."

He shrugged before Jacques came over to me and pulled me into the bedroom to chat. I looked at him "what's wrong Jacques? Why did you pull me?"

He sighed "I was just wondering how you were feeling about me and Gemma?"

I nodded because I expected this at some point especially considering the fact that he was such a sweet boy. "It's fine, I mean it's still a little awkward but it's also nice to see you finding someone." He laughed as we both walked back outside where the others were waiting.

I appreciate the fact that Jacques has pulled me and is making sure that I don't feel too uncomfortable. Obviously it's going to be weird considering the fact that we're in here together but I honestly couldn't be happier for him and Gemma.

Luca pulled me to the fire pit before saying "so what happened in the chat with Jacques?"

I sighed before leaning closer into him, "he was just asking how I was feeling about him and Gemma. I told him that it was obviously a little weird that he was here but I was happy that he was cracking on with her." Luca nodded before pulling me in for a kiss making me smile at him.

Ikenna then got a text making all of us look at him before he said "islanders, the hideaway is open tonight. Please choose a lucky couple to spend the night alone. #openingnight #naughtyvibe"

We all immediately screamed "Tasha and Andrew" before all the girls headed upstairs to help Tasha get ready for the night. We cheered them on and into the hideaway before we all headed to bed ourselves. I jumped into bed with Luca resting my head on his chest before he kissed me as we fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning to the blinding lights making me squint and cuddle further into Luca's chest making him smile and rub my back. I grabbed my sunglasses from the nightstand before putting them on and leaning into Luca's side. We all cheered as Tasha and Andrew came back and sat in bed. We all got up as all of us girls headed to the terrace to speak.

"So, I snogged Luca last night." I spoke and all of the girls awwed and cheered for me.

Ekin then asked "so do you feel connected to him now?"

I nodded "yeah, I mean I tend to be pretty reserved on showing affection until I feel that connection and I definitely feel it like I've got sparks and butterflies the whole nine."

I'm really fucking happy with Luca like I honestly don't know if there is anyone that could walk in here that would make me change my mind on him. He just gives me those sparks and butterflies that make me smile.

I then looked at Gemma "how was it with Jacques?"

Gemma smiled "he gives nice cuddles and it's like... it's like really natural. It just feels normal the little touches and cuddles." We all nodded happy for her especially me considering the fact that both of them are my friends.

I nodded "what about you Ekin?"

"I feel like he just needs to do more, like I want him obsessed with me," She sighed. "I know it's very early days, but I'm used to affection and all of that." We were then interrupted by Andrew and Luca walking out on to the terrace bringing an iced coffee to me and Tasha. Luca handed mine to me making me smile before he pecked me and walked outside with Andrew as Ikenna brought Indiyah hers.

We all smiled into our cups as Dami brought Amber her cup as well making us all smile. Ekin was getting upset because all of the boys had brought their girls tea or coffee except for her. We were all trying to calm her down and make sure she wasn't overthinking it.

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