Indiyah and Dami

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Isabella's pov:

We all woke up after the drama of last night and I woke up in Luca's arms making me smile before pecking him then letting him go outside while us girls stayed in the bed room to talk. I looked at them before saying "so we literally could not stop cuddling like he just didn't let me go."

They nodded before Antigoni asked how Ekin's was who responded "mine was interesting. He put his ear plugs in then he passed out and I passed out." We then went through Antigoni and Tasha who was still feeling a bit off about the guys shaking their heads.

All of us headed upstairs to get dressed for the day in our bikinis before I headed downstairs and to the kitchen to fill up my water bottle and talk with Luca who was in the kitchen.

I was in a black geometric pattern bikini along with some black sandals just sitting in the kitchen drinking the iced coffee that Luca had handed me when Indiyah and Dami came to join us

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I was in a black geometric pattern bikini along with some black sandals just sitting in the kitchen drinking the iced coffee that Luca had handed me when Indiyah and Dami came to join us. I watched as Tasha came over and asked Dami and Luca for a chat. Luca pecked me on the lips before heading to the fire pit. I kept my eye on them from the kitchen just in case they needed help.

I mean I love Tasha but some of her actions do not match what she is saying at all and if Luca and Dami are the only ones to voice it out of us all thinking it then fine.

We watched as they talked and then walked off before Luca nodded to me and I followed him to the alcove before laying on him with a pillow between us while he played with my hair making me smile. I laid on him as Jacques and Andrew came to join us, and watched as Gemma talked with Jay.

I think that Jay is honestly too boring for Gemma like I don't think Gemma is going to pick him over Jacques.

We all headed to get ready for the evening which was awkward as certain people were in awkward situation. I was upstairs with the girls, Luca, Davide, and Charlie who were fixing their hair.

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I was in a pair of long brown-gray pants with a white lace crop top and my hair was in a high fishtail braid

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I was in a pair of long brown-gray pants with a white lace crop top and my hair was in a high fishtail braid. I headed outside with the others as we headed to the bar to grab our drinks. I spoke to Gemma in the alcove about her being open to Jay before she went to pull him leaving me and Indiyah there as Charlie pulled Tasha to the day bed.

Dami and Indiyah were at the fire pit talking when Indiyah got a text "Dami and Indiyah, it's time for you to go on your first date. Please get ready to leave the villa. #chemistryfordays #damiyah" We all screamed and cheered for them as they headed out of the villa before we all headed back outside.

I smiled as I saw Jacques and Gemma hugging knowing that Jacques was trying to play it cool after her talk with Jay. Luca came up behind me while I was in the kitchen and hugged me making me smile and lean my head back into him. We were then interrupted by Indiyah and Dami coming back as the guys headed to the fire pit. Indiyah spoke to us about her date which seemed like it was a lot of fun and where they expressed that they were getting tunnel vision for each other which made all of us girls smile.

I then headed to the kitchen to fill my water bottle before we all headed upstairs to get ready for bed. I took off my outfit and changed into my pajamas for the night. I then took off my makeup, did my skincare, and brushed my teeth before deciding to leave my hair up and in its braid. I then headed into bed with Luca who wrapped his arm around me before kissing my head.

The lights went out and I kissed Luca hard before cuddling into him then seeing Jacques and Gemma head out of the bedroom to talk. I looked at Luca before saying "I feel absolute shit for them. Jacques is just one of those people that has anxiety about things and sometimes it can be overwhelming."

Luca nodded before smiling and kissing me putting his arm under my torso and his other hand on my cheek as I put mine on the back of his head running through his hair. I kissed him as he slid his tongue across my bottom lip asking for permission to which I opened my mouth in answer then gasped as his tongue entered my mouth. I felt him run his hand down my chest and to my stomach as he moved his mouth down to my neck before moving back up to my mouth.

We then settled down with my head on top of his chest and in his neck as his chin rested on top of my head. I smiled as he tightened his grip on me before I drifted off to sleep.

Next Time:

Gemma, Ekin, and Isabella vs Dami

Dami and Isabella have a spat

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