Danica and Dumping

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Luca's pov:

I was listening to Danica make her speech with my fingers crossed behind my back just hoping that it wasn't me and trying to figure what to do if it was.

Danica looked at us "Luca." I saw Gemma and Ekin reach over and grab Isabella's hands as she put on a blank face trying not to react. I put my head in my hands and shook my head before heading forward swerving Danica and kissing Isabella making her smile before I sat next to Danica or more accurately social distancing from Danica.

What the hell? I mean she had any of the single guys and now I'm going to end up seeing Isabella couple up with someone else. What the fuck?

I watched as the others went with Tasha first coupling up with Andrew who asked Isabella if she was ok making me smile, Amber with Dami, Ekin-Su with Jay. Isabella stood up next and looked at the guys, I had a feeling I knew who she was going to pick but I wasn't sure. "I'd like to couple up with this boy because I think the last few days, he's started to really show his personality more in the villa. His funny side, I think everyone can agree we all love that side to him. I think that since I can't couple with the guy that I was supposed to couple up with was stolen that I can at least save this boy so that he can possibly find a connection with someone else. So the boy I'd like to couple up with is... Davide."

I watched as Davide smiled and headed to Isabella before hugging her smiling probably just happy to be safe. "Fuck" I spoke as I put my head in my hands again.

It's obviously not nice seeing someone that used to like your girl coupled up with her again. I mean it just sucks when you're separated from a girl you feel a connection with to be with someone that you don't have one with.

Gemma went next and coupled up with Jacques making Isabella smile being happy for them. Indiyah went last and picked Ikenna making all of us smile at her speech but feeling bad for Remi. We all got up and hugged him before seeing him off and out of the villa.

I grabbed Isabella immediately pulling her back to the fire pit for a chat. I pulled her close to me as she laughed "you want a kiss?" She looked up from my chest and pecked me.

"I just want to spend as much time as we can outside now." I put my head in her neck.

"Yeah, there's no stopping us." Isabella spoke "it's obviously not ideal but it is what it is."

I nodded before making her look me in the eyes "I want you, and that is it, I don't care."

She nodded "no I know, I only want you as well. It's just shitty like I trust you but I also have trust issues from my exes so."

I nodded "well, don't worry. She doesn't hold a candle to you ok?" Isabella nodded before kissing me again.

I definitely am worried about Isabella because I know that she does have trust issues and I want her not to stress herself because I only want her.

I sighed "are you gonna sleep with me? In the doghouse? Or share a bed with Davide again, I'd love that."

She laughed "no, this is old ground with Davide but yeah of course I'll join you in the doghouse. That was never even a question." I sighed in relief at that making her smile.

"When I first talked to you, I had never felt a connection like that." I spoke "I could feel that there was something special so no I have no interest in getting to know her and my eyes are only for you which was probably shown from my reaction at the re-coupling. All I wanna do is just get to know you more and more everyday I don't care about anyone else."

She smiled before saying "I'm the same. But speaking of your reaction, I liked it."

"You did?" I asked.

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