Luca vs Andrew

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Luca's pov:

It was silent after Davide picked Isabella as no one could quite believe what in the absolute hell just happened. I felt Liam and Andrew come up next to me as I sat in stunned silence just looking at Isabella who seemed less than happy with this development. Not only had I lost the only girl that I was attracted to in here but I was also vulnerable now.

We all got ready for bed after that massive shock of the night and all that I could think was that I was going to bed alone while Isabella was going to end up sharing a bed with Davide.

I decided to deal with it tomorrow and just jumped into my now single bed before noticing that Isabella and Davide's bed was on the right side next to mine. I watched as Isabella took the left side of the bed which was the side closest to me making me smile a little as Davide took the other side. I moved from my spot in the middle of my bed to the right side so that I was closer to Isabella making her smile.

I watched as the lights turned out that she moved closer to me and further away from Davide who was looking at her back before he flipped over so their backs were facing each other. I wanted to feel bad but quite honestly I couldn't find it in me to give a fuck. I started to drift off to sleep before seeing Isabella reach her left arm out, holding out her hand. I looked at her before moving my right hand to meet hers then drifted off to sleep smiling as we were holding hands.

I woke up the next morning still holding hands with Isabella who was still asleep which made me smile. I watched as she woke up a couple of minutes after me then looked at our hands before smiling at me. Amber and the others were heading upstairs and she got out of bed to join them before looking at me saying "can we talk after I finish with the girls?"

I nodded "yeah, of course. Just come find me, ok?" She nodded before heading up the stairs with the girls.

I'm happy actually, I honestly didn't expect last night to go that way at all but I can honestly say that I am actually happy because Davide picking her did make me realize that I do like her plus last night was actually crazy. I mean holding hands the entire night, good lord what is this girl doing to me.


Isabella's pov:

After I had woken up next to Davide at almost the edge of the bed and holding Luca's hand, I headed to the terrace to speak to the girls after putting my red bikini on.

After I had woken up next to Davide at almost the edge of the bed and holding Luca's hand, I headed to the terrace to speak to the girls after putting my red bikini on

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Everyone was just getting seated on the terrace when Gemma asked "how is everyone feeling today?"

"I feel like I've just had a reset when I woke up this morning." Tasha was the first to speak up. "I feel like I do have that buzz with Andrew but just got scared and unsure about it because it's happening so fast. What about you Isabella? Any chats last night?"

I sighed "No, I mean me and Davide just went straight to sleep although I was holding hands with Luca the entire night."

Everyone gasped at that before I continued "yeah, I mean I was on the left side of mine and Davide's bed while Luca was on the right side of his and we just locked hands then didn't let go until this morning."

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