New Bombshells

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Isabella's pov:

The boys were being boys and celebrating the announcement of two new girls coming in which made the girls that were already here kind of annoyed. They all rushed inside while us girls sat on the sofa.

"I want to know what they look like." Tasha spoke.

"They're going to be gorgeous like Davide except in girl form." Indiyah spoke.

"I'm happy for Liam." Gemma spoke which was nice considering the fact that I know she isn't particularly feeling him as more than a friend.

"I think that they're here to be a bombshell." I thought out loud. "I don't think that they'll hold back which is going to be hard for me because of Luca." The girls all nodded at that as we stopped talking for a bit just to calm down and drink wine.

I am wondering what these girls are going to be like, I mean I don't expect them to have any loyalty to us but I don't want them to be bitches about it. Luca then came over to me after the other girls split from the sofa and sat down next to me, lifting my legs so that they were across his lap.

"How are you feeling about this?" Luca spoke as he ran his hand up and down my leg that was across his lap.

"I think I am nervous especially with two new girls coming in especially considering the fact that you're single in here."

"Am I though?" I looked at him confused before he sighed "look just because Davide picked you doesn't mean that anything's changing with us. I like you and you are my number one in here that was proven by how I felt when Davide picked you. And I'm not going to shy away from saying it to anyone."

I smiled and blushed at that before saying "no, I agree with that. I like you and you're my number one in here as well. I just wouldn't blame you for getting to know these girls considering Davide stole me."

He nodded "well don't, I'll get to know them on a friendship level but that's it. If Davide hadn't of stolen you and I hadn't realized how strong my feelings for you were yet then I might have but now that I know how strong I feel for you, there's no fucking way that there's going to be anything more than a friendship with either of them." I nodded before smiling and leaning in to peck him on the lips to which he happily returned. I then shifted so that my back was to his side and my legs were across the sofa as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder making me smile.

I am definitely happy with that conversation between me and Luca because as much as I don't admit it, I am a little self-conscious and jealous. I also fall hard and my head is already half way gone for Luca after a couple of days.

Me and Luca moved back to the rest of the group when Liam came walking back in with the two new girls. All of the boys except for surprisingly Luca seemed stunned to see the girls but Luca just wrapped his arm tighter around my shoulder making me smile. I stood up and walked past the boys to introduce myself before moving back to stand with Luca who grabbed my hand.

They both seemed pretty nice which made me happy but I had a feeling that they were most definitely going to make some waves. We made our way to the fire pit where we went over the group introduction and I was sat pulled to Luca's side. He seemed to be paying more attention to me than to either of the new girls.

"So how were the dates?" I asked Liam.

"The dates went well."

"Liam's a great guy, he's really nice." Afia confirmed which made me smile. "I had a really nice date with him."

"Same, " Ekin- Su finally spoke up. "It's definitely a bit weird that we went out with the same guy."

I nodded before asking "tell us about yourselves, you know age, where you're from, and what you do."

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