Chapter 13 - Bugsterology 101

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After hearing Javelin's request of sleeping with him, (Y/n) quickly declined her request and pushed her out of the room, before closing it and went to sleep immediately after that. Of course, it made him skip dinner, but for him, he's just tired after the whole ordeal.

The next day came around, and with a growling empty stomach, (Y/n) walks his way to the cafeteria while holding said stomach.

"I should've asked Belfast about the dinner last night..." He groaned.

"And here I thought I get to watch you waking up screaming." Taiga remarked, much to (Y/n)'s dismay, but he's too hungry to argue with him. Upon arriving at the cafeteria, he sees a lone Enterprise sitting with a cup of coffee, staring at the view outside, giving the Rider a devious idea. "Neeevermind. Try and go poke Miss Uniform there."

'Taiga, please. I'm too hungry to bother.' (Y/n) thought, and grabs his breakfast. He then go to a seat away from Enterprise to avoid disturbing her, before starting his breakfast. Moments later however, he looks up to see the same shipgirl now beside him, which he almost screamed, but thankfully managed to swallow his food first.

"M-miss Enterprise?" He said.

"Good morning. I thought I can greet you ever since you came here." Enterprise said, making him wonder if she knew of his arrival in the first place.

"I-I honestly want to greet you too, but I shouldn't disturb you on what you were doing." He replied.

"It's no problem. I was just... having some thought." She replied. While Taiga has a good idea of what she was thinking, (Y/n) keeps himself from asking about her thought. Enterprise then starts walking away with her cup, saying "I'll be off now. See you later." before leaving.

"Heh, knowing her, she's thinking about Snipe." Taiga said.

'It was kind of a shocking thing.' (Y/n) thought, recalling the events of the last battle. 'I just hope she won't attack us when we'll explain the Bugsters later.' After finishing his breakfast, he went back to his room to get himself ready for the... presentation.

'If things goes well, I think there wouldn't be too many questions...' He thought as he enters the room. While he's getting the Driver and the Gashat from under the bed, there was a sound of the door opening, making him panicked, before sighing in relief as it was Javelin who enters the room.

"Don't scare me like that!" He scolded her.

"Sorry! The door's not closed shut, so..." Javelin said as she closes the door.

"At least knock the door regardless. We can't let anyone else know about our secret." (Y/n) sighs.

"So... what are you doing now?" Javelin then asked.

"Asking Hood about our plan first." (Y/n) then dons the Driver and activates Bang Bang Shooting. Javelin watches how the boy work with the Driver, and after a "Henshin!" and pulling the Lever, the boy is now transformed into Kamen Rider Snipe himself, but the shipgirl noticed something off.

"Wait, where are your riggings? I thought it comes with you." Javelin questioned.

"Where's the logic of wearing riggings indoors?" Snipe questions back, making the shipgirl understand his point.

"And how will you get to the office without getting seen by others?"

"You ask too much." Snipe then presses the Kimewaza Slot button, which shows multiple areas from the Stage Select before choosing the office, in which the Rider vanishes in front of Javelin's view.

"... You really are troublesome as they said..." She commented.

Azur Lane Base, Office,

Hood is just finished with her meeting with Queen Elizabeth and Washington, as the latter two leaves the office. The head of Azur Lane stretches herself before standing up, due to her planning to visit (Y/n) after leaving him for a while now. But, her plan is cut short when a sound of throat clearing is heard.

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