Chapter 15 - Posthumous Aftermath

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After the death of Burgermon and subsequently avenging it, Snipe teleported away from the scene, disregarding Hood's concern for him. After returning to his dorm, he transforms back to (Y/n), which the boy quickly falls onto the bed, exhausted.

'Taiga...' The boy called.

"Now it's Ex-Aid... how ironic." Taiga said, remembering the events from before. (Y/n) is also worried of Burgermon's death, where unlike in the past, this is something he has seen right in front of him, albeit indirectly. He tries not to cry, clenching the Juju Burger Gashat harder after seeing it.

'I'm sorry...' He thought.

"No. You don't need to apologize. It was destined at this point." Taiga said. "All we can do now is to move forward."

(Y/n) took his words to heart and loosen his grip on the Gashat, wiping the tears that he unconsciously dropped and reaffirms himself.

"You're right..." He said to himself. "For Burgermon."

As if it heard the password, the Juju Burger Gashat's RG Circuit Board then lights up, and it begin turning itself into a hologram screen, where it displays a certain Game Master in a jail cell, sitting politely like a person in a job interview.

"That's...!" He and Taiga remarked, recognizing who it is.

"I am Kuroto Dan, but you can call me... God." The Game Master said, keeping his polite demeanor. "If you found this, then that's good." Suddenly, he stood up and pulls the camera closer like a crazed manner, returning him back to his insane self. "Because I finally found you, Taiga Hanaya!"

"Eeek!" (Y/n) reeled back from his sudden craziness, while Taiga just sighs. "As usual..." He said.

"Now listen very closely..." Kuroto said, "I'm in captive by these crazy girls who thinks that they can use the Gashats to wipe out humanity... how hilarious to think that they can use the Bugster Virus to do such thing!" He then cackles for a bit before continuing, "So that's why I've sent you the data of Juju Burger. But don't be mistaken. Inside the data lies my current location for you to rescue me~"

"So you did all this just for us to save you? " Taiga snarked, "You're a Bugster yourself, can't you just send yourself?"

"Taiga... I don't think he can." (Y/n) remarked. As if he heard (Y/n)'s concern, Kuroto made a buzzing sound, telling them that he's correct.

"Bingo! I can only send the data, which is miniscule compared to myself. I can't even move freely because that crazy girl made my prison too small for me to move!" He explained. The two in one Rider become wary of Kuroto, thinking that they might talking to him in real time.

"So... We'll just go there and rescue you then? If it's at the base of any of the Crimson Axis faction, I don't think we can get there easily." (Y/n) deduced from Kuroto's presumed plan.

"That's right. Now you better save me or else..."

"Tch, or else what?" Taiga snorted.

"Or else you'll be punished by my godly smite! AHAHAHA-" And the screen went blank, and the Gashat stops functioning. The two looked at the Gashat and puts it down.

"This... just got complicated." (Y/n) said.

"Damn right. How could the self-proclaimed God managed to get captured by shipgirls of all things?" Taiga said, still not believing that Kuroto got captured. "But, it's also pretty much explains everything. The Gashats in this world..."

The two are now stumped of what to do next. Obviously, they wanted to get some sleep after today, but tomorrow, they're not sure if they can go rescue Kuroto, especially when he's at one of the two Crimson Axis' base. Their thoughts get interrupted, as they heard a door knocking, prompting the boy to hide the Gashats and the Driver.

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