Chapter 14 - The Irregular Burgster Returns!

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After the gathering ended, Snipe and Hood stayed behind as they're having a post-meeting talk for themselves.

"I can't thank you enough, Snipe." Hood said, after calming herself down from sobbing further, which the Rider sighs underneath the mask.

"I honestly don't care about your thanks. Then again, I'll be there whenever there are Bugsters around." Snipe said.

"However, I want to repay you for what you've done for us beforehand. So please, tell me anything that you want, anything at all." Hood offered. Snipe wanted to decline it, but there's one thing that he really want from her. Something that he already told the shipgirl over and over again.

"Just one actually..." He started, "Don't shout my name whenever I'm here. I'm sick of hearing that over and over again." Hood did a double take on him. She expected something tangible like money or even one of the factions' weapons, but she simply sighs in understanding.

"I'll try, but the same can't be said to the other girls though." She said, making him groan after hearing the later phrase. "Now, shall we be off then? I would like to show you all of what Azur Lane has to offer."

"Eeeh... I'll just go and I dunno, get some co-." As Snipe's hand almost reached the Kimewaza button, he felt it being held by Hood's hand, stopping him from teleporting.

"I insist." She said while looking at him with a hopeful look. Snipe groans once again before moving his hand away from the button.

"Fiiine... There isn't anything interesting here anyway." He said, and the two head off for a trip around the island together, despite the Rider's annoyance.

Meanwhile, at the Arcade,

San Diego is seen walking around the arcade, feeling bored after the gathering. She then spots a game that she likes the most here, which is Burger Time!, a fast food centric game that involves the cook preparing burgers in a time limit.

"Eh, can't go wrong with the favorites." The shipgirl shrugs before going to the cabinet. As she inserts a coin to start the game, the title screen glitches, making the shipgirl confused. But when she pressed a button however...

"Juju Burger!"

"Eeh?!" Before she can react, the screen glitches further and multiple pixel-like strings hits the shipgirl before being absorbed into her. It wouldn't take long until the shipgirl starts feeling in pain to the point that she collapsed, gritting in pain as the same pixels manifests itself around her as it forms something out of her. And with the panic ensued, thus...

"Burgermon is heeeeeeere!" The Bugster announced to the now empty arcade, except for the writhing San Diego

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"Burgermon is heeeeeeere!" The Bugster announced to the now empty arcade, except for the writhing San Diego. The monster looked around confused. "Where did everyone go?"

Back to Snipe,

Snipe and Hood were passing by the shopping district, where they see many shipgirls panicking. One of the panicking shipgirls sees Hood and immediately runs to her.

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