Chapter 1 - Awaken in a New World

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In a break of dawn, a woman is walking through the shore, seemingly lost in thought.

That woman is Enterprise.

After her battle with the Sakura Empire that led to her ship parts damaged heavily, and being saved by Belfast, her mind is clouded with thoughts of continuing her fight. However, during a brief meeting with the Head Maid, another thought has conflicted within her.

"We were weapons of war back in the past. Now, we're humans carrying the spirit of said weapons. And as such, we shall try to live like one."

Enterprise sighs, and raises her head to the sky,

Enterprise: ... If... this war is over... do you think I can live as a human?

Lowering her head, she spotted something peculiar at the shore. It's a human, laying face down on the shore. She rushes to the human and pulls him away from the waves. She then turns him around and inspects him.

It's a human male, roughly around 18-20 years old, wearing a now wet jacket that has a sign of a bullet on the chest. Underneath it is a shirt with a picture of a girl pressing her sword downwards. And he's also wearing jeans.

She then checks for a pulse, and thankfully found it, confirming that he's indeed unconscious. As she lift him up, he heard a light cough,

???: Miss Enterprise, what is that you're holding?

Enterprise turned around and sees the person she expected to see.

Enterprise: I found him unconscious on the shore. I was going to take him to the dormitory in hopes of his recovery.

???: How thoughtful of you. Please let me guide you to the dormitory.

Enterprise: No need. I can take him there myself.

And with that, she left. The person then noticed something on the ground.

A briefcase with the logo bearing the name "Genm Corp.".

???: Oh, I guess she forgot about this.

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(Y/n) is seen standing in a black void. He looks around to find anything, but no luck.

(Y/n): Where am I? Is this a dream?

???: Hey, kid.

(Y/n) turned around and sees someone he never thought is possible.

Taiga Hanaya himself.

Taiga Hanaya himself

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(Y/n): T-taiga?!

Taiga: If you think that you're going to use my powers, you better get ready.

(Y/n): Wait, what?

Taiga: You're going to have a rough times ahead. Better start practicing your aim.

And with that, Taiga performs the finger gun motion and vanishes.

(Y/n): Taiga, wait!

But the ground he's standing on disappears as well, and then he falls into the endless void...

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???: Gaaaah!

(Y/n) wakes up while panting hard. After a while, he noticed that he's in a room, a quite luxurious one in fact. He looked at the window nearby and sees the vast seas ahead.

(Y/n): Where... am I?

And then, he heard a door knock, which the door then opens. He then sees a maid with white hair coming in while carrying a tray of food.

 He then sees a maid with white hair coming in while carrying a tray of food

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???: Ah, I see you're awake.

Just by looking at her, (Y/n) ended up getting a slight blush.

(Y/n): U-uhh, who are you?

The maid puts down the tray and bows.

???: How rude of me for not introducing myself. My name is Belfast of the Royal Navy. Pleasure to meet you, good sir.

(Y/n): Y-yeah... Nice to meet you too.

Belfast: Please, have yourself a breakfast over there. After which you can take a shower over there.

Belfast gestures at the tray on the table, and then gestures at the door which leads to the bathroom. Belfast then bows again,

Belfast: If you excuse me, I have other matters to attend to.

(Y/n): Wait! I have some questions!

But it was too late, as Belfast leaves the room and closed the door. She finds a nearby telephone and dials a number. She waits for a while until she heard the phone picked up.

???: Hello?

Belfast: Milady, our guest has woke up.

???: Thank goodness. I was afraid that he won't wake up. What is he doing now?

Belfast: He's currently having a breakfast and later on, taking a shower.

???: I see. Very well, please take him to the meeting room after he finished his doing.

Belfast: As you wish, Milady.

From the other side of the phone, the receiver puts down the handset. She then looks at the item on the table, which is the briefcase from before.

???: I do hope that our guest will reveal its content soon.

(Chapter One is done! The next chapter will feature some boring exposition and stuff, so no Simulations Gamer yet, but the chapter after that will feature its debut itself. Now then, Peace Out.)

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