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*this will mostly be in Liam's pov and third person it'll say in the beginning


I smiled softly at the guy in front of me.

Brown eyes staring into blue.

The heat of his stare. Burning a hole through my head.

I closed my eyes shaking my head slightly.

I was supposed to just be out with my friends.

But as the man moved closer to me.

As his hands found my waist.

His rough lips against mine.

My hands wrapped around his shoulders.

I dove one hand into his hair. It was jet black, it looked just like his.

When I pulled away for air. I saw the tips.

His hair dyed blond at the ends.

I push off quickly, fully turned off.

"Hey what's wrong?"

His voice shouting over the loud music.

I shake my head slightly and start to walk away.

He looked just like him. I wanted him so bad.

But as I take one last look, I see it.

The brown eyes, their light, nothing like his.

His jaw is less squared, his lips aren't as pink. His mouth not as welcoming. His hands rough on my skin, not soft and sweet. Treating me like a gift.

He was nothing like him.

"Maybe I do miss him."

"Miss him? Liam, you haven't talked to anyone since he left. You don't flirt, you don't even accept drinks."

Mason throws his hands into the air.

"Ok I get." I huffed quickly, wanting to run and hide.

But I knew if I ran Mason would try again, and again.

This was an intervention, he brought Corey, Scott, Stiles, Malia, Lydia, and Kira.

Malia was the only one with an understanding look on her face.

Him and Malia had become good friends. Although they don't talk, she still missed him.

But she didn't miss him like I did.

But she knew, she knew how much I liked him and how I fell for him.

She wanted to help get us together, but he left before she had the chance.

"Look Li, you're making yourself miserable. Just please try to have fun tonight?"

I shake my head, hard.

I ball my fists up.

I said I didn't want to go, I said no, no, no.

"Yes, Liam you need to get out here. You need to forget about The-"

I jump up at the mention of his name.

I point my finger at Stiles, "Shut the fuck up. Don't you fucking dare say his name. I already said I'm not going out."

Everyone stares at me.

I smile softly and flip them off before going up the stairs.

A few second later I hear Malia following me up to my room.

"What do you what Mal?"

I question her as I sit on my bed.

She closed the door, making sure that the wolves downstairs couldn't hear anything.

She had convinced me to get my room sound proofed. In that moment I thought it was a weird, kinky thing. But know I find it very useful.

"It's Theo."

I don't usually stop her when she says his name. I know she'll beat me up if I say anything about it. But when she says it I don't feel bad. She doesn't sound angry or annoyed when she says it.

When the some of the pack members do they sound so anger that I can't let him go. That after all this time, I'm still talking about Theo Raeken.

"What about him?" I question, sounding more interested than I wanted.

"He's coming home tonight. He's going to be at the party. That's why I want you to come."

I tilt my head.

"Why didn't anyone say anything about it before?"

She laughs softly and sits next to me.

"They don't even know Dunbar. I wanted to surprise you with the guy you had sex with."

I jump on her and cover her mouth.


I yell at her and stand up.

"That man ruined fucking for me. He just destroyed it. I can't kiss anyone anymore."

Malia laughed but she had a sad smile on her face.

"I know how much he means to you. This is your second chance. Go catch the guy Liam. Go get the one that ruined it all."

I smile softly at her.

The one person that knows how much I like Theo Raeken.

The one person that understands how much I need Theo Raeken.

How much I love Theo Raeken.


How much I wish he loved me.

lani <3

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