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*third person*

Theo sat next to his bed.

Curled up on an uncomfortable chair, eyes closed, trying to sleep.

He hadn't left this room in almost two weeks.

Liam's parents checked on him and Liam, once and a while.

But they still have crazy hours at work and for now Liam was stable.

Theo didn't feel too stable.

He felt like if he stood up, he was going to throw up.

Theo wished he knew how to help, but all he could do was sit next to his lover.

Hold his hand, read to him, and wish he would just wake up.

Theo hadn't left the hospital.

His nightmares were getting worse.

He could see his sister, every time he closed his eyes.

Liam used to lulled him back to sleep, or stayed up listening to Theo talk about her.

Talking about her made it easier.

Spreading her life and what she liked made him feel better.

But he was traumatized.

He didn't know if he felt like he had to pay for what he did.

So sometimes he was ok with the nightmares.

But now he wanted them.

He would try to fall asleep all the time.

Try to get punished.

He knew Liam was here because of him.

He left a week before Liam fell into a coma.

He was helping Deaton.

Trying to get Scott to trust him.

Liam went out to a party, got drunk and decided to walk home.

As he was walking a car swerved and hit him.

Probably some dumbass who was drunk but decided to drive.

Theo got the phone call at 2 am.

He got a call from Scott, he answered.

He thought it was just because he needed to talk Deaton, who had his phone off.

But when he picked up, Scott sounded scared.

Rushing through his sentence.

He yelled his name and tried to calm him down.

Deaton was next to him in a second.

Theo put Scott on speaker.

"What happened?"

Deaton asks, leaning closer to the phone.

"Liam's in the hospital."

At first Theo and Deaton thought it was too dangerous for a wolf to be in a hospital.

But Melissa and Liam's stepdad promised they would cover for them.

So they left him in the hospital.

At first the pack visited every night.

Though if it was up Stiles, Theo wouldn't have been allowed in.

But Theo had cute pictures of Liam on his phone.

And a matching bracelet.

And Liam's favorite book.

𝘛𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘞𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘛𝘦𝘭𝘭 ~ 𝘛𝘏𝘐𝘈𝘔Where stories live. Discover now