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Deaton was in town, finally.

Theo called him the moment Scott texted him.


"Liam. I think something is wrong with him."

Unknown to most of the pack.

Whenever Theo woke up, his eyes would glow.

Whenever they did he could see marks.

Like a rash, dark spots littering his boyfriend's arms.

"Dark spots?"

Theo nodded his head. Looking from Deaton to Liam.

"When your eyes glow?"

He nodded again.

"Have you told anyone?"

Theo nodded, "Scott."

"Did he check?"

"No Stiles called him, then he was super upset and kinda ran away."

Deaton nodded pulling out his phone.

Theo presumed he was texting Scott.

Scott came into the room 5 minutes later.

Theo guessed he was already on his way before Deaton texted him.


Theo and Deaton turned to him, confused.

"Coma's can be caused by alcohol intoxication. Liam had been put back on his pills this year. The doctor said not to drink."

Scott was breathless and put his hand in the air when he thought Theo would talk.

"The alcohol messed with his pills. But since he's also a wolf he mixed it with wolfsbane. A lot."

Deaton looked up at Scott.

"What kind of wolfsbane?"

Scott's eyes widen.


Theo stood up, "What the fuck Liam!"

Theo and Scott ran out the door.

Deaton following closely behind them.

Liam's house was right around the corner.

So they ran, and almost busted down the door.

Malia was inside, sitting on Liam's bed, a bottle in hand.

"Malia, what is that?"

Scott questioned her, leaning in front of her.

Theo saw Liam's closet wide open.

A box on the floor with two more bottles in it.

They weren't very big but held enough wolfsbane to scare Theo.

Malia lifted her head, tears streaming down her face. 

"He-he..." Her voice trailed off.

Scott took the vial from her hands.

"Black wolfsbane."

Theo's heart stopped when he heard it.



The kind the Dread Doctors used.

His boyfriend

Was using

Black Wolfsbane.

"What the fuck?"

Theo reached and grabbed the two bottles in the box and the one in Scott's hand.


Theo ran out the door into the backyard.


Scott ran out the door and grabbed Theo's wrists.

He pulled a vial out of his grip before Theo smashed the rest in his hands.

Wolfsbane mixed with the cuts in his palms.

He fell to the floor, crying.

Malia sat next to him and wrapped her arms around him.

He cried harder, wrapping his hands around her.

Gripping on her shoulders, both of their tears wetting each other's shirts.

Scott handed the vial to Deaton.

"You need this?"

Deaton nods and puts the vial into his pocket.

Theo unwrapped himself from Malia's arms.

He stood at the edge of the woods and Liam's backyard.

Malia and Scott walked closer to him.

He was breathing heavily, fists balled up.

He opened his mouth and he screamed.

He screamed and he screamed.

He fell to the floor again, gripping at the ground.

"fuck, what the hell, shit, FUCK!"

He was just yelling out curse words.

Over and over, claws springing out.

Fangs out, eyes glowing.


Scott roared.

Theo stopped talking but he didn't turn to look at Scott.

"He did a dumb thing. That's it. He didn't mean to hurt you. He loves you. Theo, he loves you. Don't let this ruin anything."

Theo shook his head.

"It's not that."

Theo turned and dug his claws into his hand.

Trying to turn back.

"The black wolfsbane is addictive. It doesn't have "side effects" but that."

"In alcohol and other addictive drugs. You add the wolfsbane and it triples it."

Deaton sat next to him.

"How would it interact with Liam's pills?"

"They would amplify the effects and if he missed even one pill. He could lose his mind. He wouldn't remember anything that happened and wouldn't know what he was doing."

"Is that why he walked home?"

Theo nodded.

"I told him, not to. That I was going to the bathrooms and I would take him home."

Scott sits next to Deaton.

Malia joins them, so now they are sitting in a circle.

Theo leans his head into his hands.

What the fuck was happening to Liam.

Black wolfsbane caused hallucinations.

Theo couldn't even imagine what was happening in Liam's head right now.

But all he knew was he needed to get him out of it.

And back into his arms.

lani <3

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