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*Liam's pov*

Fuck Theo.

Fuck therapy.

Fuck Scott and Isaac, that won't get off my back.

Fuck Malia and Kira who keep texting me.

Fuck Theo's phone for all the messages he keeps getting.

Malia and Scott text him 24/7 now.

My stupid therapist said that I would need to go back on the pills.

But not until I started NA, and my sponsor talked with her.

So here I was sitting in this damn circle.

While someone talked about how they recovered.

What the hell was I supposed to talk about?

It's not like I was addicted to the pills.

I was addicted to the wolfsbane.

You don't stroll up and say "Yes I'm addicted to mixing a black substance into everything I drink. How are you?"

My sponsor's name was Lex.

He was an LSD user.

He told me that everything would be okay.

That I would get through this.

I mean he was pretty shitty at pep talks.

But he was weird.

He talked about himself all the time,

He stood closer to me than comfortable.

He told me how many times he relapsed.

How many times he wished he would just die.

But his best friend kept him going.

Right now, Lex was talking.

This was the only person I listened to.

"Hey as you know I'm Lex."

"Hi, Lex."

"I wanted to share a story. Me and my best friend are dating now!"

Everyone starts clapping.

I tune out the rest of the conversation.

I fucking hate happy people.

I stood up as soon as the meeting was over.

Theo sent me a text.


I sigh, walking out.

Lex grabs my hand when I reach the parking lot.

"Hey, Liam you ok? I saw you looked sort of spaced out."

I shake my head.

"I'm fine."

I pull my hand away.

He stepped closer to me.

I suddenly realized how close we were.

My chest tightens.

My fists ball up.

"Back up Lex."

I try to take a step back.

But he reaches for my hand again.

I feel the anger surge through me.

I punch him.

He stumbles back.

He licks the blood off his lips.

𝘛𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘞𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘛𝘦𝘭𝘭 ~ 𝘛𝘏𝘐𝘈𝘔Where stories live. Discover now