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*Liam's pov*

I rub my eyes as Theo's alarm rings.

Theo was job hunting.

Malia was helping him with rent.

With the student job she got.

So he was finally going to pay her back and start paying rent.

I know what time it is before I even look at my phone.

It's 8 and I have to be in therapy in 40 minutes.

Theo's alarm is still going off.

The words come out of my mouth before I can stop them.

"Turn it off!"

Theo jumps slightly and turns the alarm off.

I slap my hand against my head.


I stand up, walking to the closet.

I close the door behind me before turning to the clothes.

I look at the band shirt hanging up on the rack.

It has Theo's name in the left corner.

On the back, it says McRae's.

It was a dumb tee shirt design Theo and Scott had made together.

They gave everyone in the pack one.

Except for Stiles.

Lydia strongly said he would probably burn it.

She took the shirt happily though.

She took many pictures that day.

It was the day before Stiles came back for break.

She took advantage of being home with him looming over her.

I sigh, walking into the bathroom.

Theo knocks on the door.



The confidence drifts from his voice.

I could tell he had been standing at the door for a few minutes before knocking.

I walked over and opened the door.

"Yeah of course."

I said, smiling up at him.

I turn on the water.

He turns around walking into the closet.

He yells from inside.


I turn around.

He brings the two band shirts into view.

One with my name on it and his.

"Do you wanna wear them?"

I reach for my phone.

"I'll text the group chat."

I take a picture of the shirt.

I write, "Let's all wear this atrocious shirt Theo and Scott made."

I saw Scott typing and quickly turned off my phone.

Theo is already in the shower.

I get undressed and step into the shower.

I push him a little so we're standing side to side.

𝘛𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘞𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘛𝘦𝘭𝘭 ~ 𝘛𝘏𝘐𝘈𝘔Where stories live. Discover now